50.1 - 50.4

Nov 17, 2008 16:28

50.1 Make a list your upcoming holiday plans.

- Thanksgiving at Pepper and Rachel's
- Christmas shopping with Rachel
- Something fun for Jubilee's birthday
- Christmas Eve with Remy after work at my place
- Christmas Day with Remy at Xavier's
- New Year's Eve with Remy after work... somewhere
- Working New Year's Day

50.2 Make a list of people you hope to see before the New Year.

- Geoffrey
- Alex
- Inga
- The rest of my friends

50.3 Make a list of relatives you try to avoid.

- Mother
- Daddy
- Serena

50.4 People I still have to buy gifts for (in no particular order):

- Remy
- Inga
- Geoffrey
- Mel
- Jubilee
- Kitty
- Logan
- Ororo
- Hank
- Kurt
- I think that's it, but I honestly don't even know

Muse: Aryn Wakefield
Fandom: Original Character
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muse: aryn wakefield

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