Food is our common ground, a universal experience.

Oct 06, 2008 12:02

Community: makeyourlist
Prompt: 44.3 Make a list of things you enjoy cooking/baking.
Muse: Daniel Linderman
Fandom: Heroes
Comments: Here Please

I find cooking to be relaxing. It soothes a weary soul. Therefore, we’ll just consider these some of my favorites. Otherwise, this list could become far too long and time consuming.
  • Pot Pie.
  • Filet Mignon.
  • Creme Brulee.
  • Chicken Parmesan.
  • Pot Roast With Red Wine and Mushrooms.
  • Apple Pie.
  • Baked Ham With Bourbon Glaze.
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies, heavy on the chocolate chips.

muse: daniel linderman

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