Things to do this week

Oct 05, 2008 23:37

- Sell the beach house. Both of them.
- Replace the diamond bikini. Look into having it made in platinum rather than gold.
- Take possession of the McLaren
- See Roberto.
- Have nails done.
- Sell jet skis.
- Talk to seamstress about winter ball gown.
- Speak to Scott about that issue.
- Look into a cabin not on a lake. No where near water.
- Talk with nutritionist about a diet free from seafood and tropical fruits. What vitamins will be missing?
- Go in for checkup and shots.
- Look into having new suit made for next summer. Sun bathing only. Look into sheer fabrics.
- [Locked]Figure out how one gets over love. Has to be something for that.[/Locked]
- Call Mikela. See if he's still in business.

Emma Frost

muse: emma frost

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