May 26, 2005 13:44
hello everyone okay.i am tired of letting people walk all over me and letting them decide what i am going to do in life...i want everyone to know that me and sarah are cool now. sarah has been there for me when other people haven't. it is my choice if i want her in my life or not and i'm sick of people constantly being like..she's a whore don't be friends with her and blah blah blah. all of my "friends" that know me well know that i am not one to hold grudges against people but i do tend to let people walk all over me, but no more! i am letting everyone know that and that's pretty retarded that i might lose friends because i want to be friends with sarah...that is their doesnt matter if someone doesnt like sarah they don't have to i am just asking people to not try to control what i do, not trying to make everyone of my friends get along with her just please don't take it out on me if they dont like her.okay i had to get that out of my system. today ashley almost got into a fight with ashley wilson. i really dont like her too much. ashley (w) was running her mouth to ashley(my friend) on the bus and the only reason why is cause she had her friend with is mean! he is trying to ruin my life i swear! anyways- i sort of miss sam talking about shaun and zach..i wish she was at school...:( i am so bored!!!!!!!!!!!! ashley is up here!!!ha ha ha ashley had my mom lie to nathan for her..that's so funny...geesh i have nothing to talk about so goodbye for now!!!!
<3 always...HEATHER