Dec 05, 2007 18:12
I'm like popping ricolas all day. i'm sick. it sucks. so my moms gone& my sister. =/ it sucks ass. i'm bored. i went to Walgreens afterschool...I skipped chapel. yee I got out at 140ish. I saw Jackie Talley& Sobrante. I texted Lester and he was like hahaha Thats their lives! he's so funny. They caught me in a whiff of sickness. I looked like shit. I feel like shit. I'm slightly better now because I talked to my sister& my mom. I saw em' on webcam. It's like 9am there. so its good shit. I got to go to the Library again. They have a movie. yes. =) I think its with Mr. Labeouf. HAha. Fuck man. I need to find Black Snake Moan at Sharon's. I need to watch it& return all the other movies I borrowed before I get fined. That will suck ass. I hate fines. They are boo boo. I'm bored. I don't really have homework. I should have some but we didn't tell the teacher she forgot to give it to us so oh well. I didn't want to do homework anyways. haha whatever. I'm getting 2 B's and the rest A's but I want all A's now. I wonder what else I can do. Man it sucks. Oh well. I honestly want principles honor roll again. That shit is kind of awesome. I hope I get something good for xmas since they dont have the fucking Uggs that I want at Nordstrom. =( it makes me sad. damnit. I'm so lazy when my mom isn't home. I don't even feel like eating. It's weird. I should eat though. I'm on meds so I should but I'll see how I feel in a little bit. I'm blabbing. bye
Dude, I love the Pierces. They are fucking awesome. I just heard them on gossip girls... They are like whimsical& evil. =) My favvvvvvvorite. It's awesome. You got to check them out. This is the kind of shit you ballroom dance to. I totally would. haha not. I don't like to dance but I think formal dancing is alright. I did have to do it at school which was weird but okay. I did with Cameren because it was for art class. Awk but funny. I was like eh? It kind of just happened. I love Cam! He's my secret santa too. We always make fun of Nemo and laugh til we're like crying. Anyways listen to The pierces!