'Twas not in vein!

Aug 01, 2007 02:53

There were many MSEs but very few MSFs in the drawers when I was at the counter. I reckon most of them have been kept aside for customers who had made reservations. I think some mini drama might erupt among the MAC MAs as I've heard varying stories about some MAs denying the arrival of Flashtronic items, either in the hopes of keeping them for their own customers or to deter customers from asking about them, since they've been kept aside/reserved?

I was fortunate to have a wonderful MA who texted me right away, so I was able to go down today and choose the MSFs and MSEs with my preferred veining. I didn't like Ether at first and took it off my list but when I saw another tester today that had more blue in it, I changed my mind. This one reminded me simultaneously of the Earth and the ocean!

Sadly, the same MA is resigning from MAC. I gave her my Shimpagne MSF because she'd expressed interest in it, plus I barely use it. It suits her well though and I hope she enjoys it! :D
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