Dec 27, 2005 01:47
Kevlar SouI: is there a place to play badmitton on campus?
ForeignTea: there must be. hell you can play in NCRB if you want
Kevlar SouI: does anyone play?
Kevlar SouI: do they have equipment?
ForeignTea: I don't think so
Kevlar SouI: ok
ForeignTea: about the equip
ForeignTea: ha that's about the only sport I play
ForeignTea: Americans don't even think of it as a sport
Kevlar SouI: yea, i asked cuz of your foreigness
ForeignTea: you have an almost offensive sense of humor
Kevlar SouI: thanks
Kevlar SouI: i wasnt trying to be funny
Kevlar SouI: i asked cuz u would know
ForeignTea: then you are just rude and quite politcally incorrect
Kevlar SouI: not really
Kevlar SouI: knowing asians play badmitton isnt any more politically incorrect than you saying "americans dont think its a sport"
ForeignTea: obviously people I've encountered here have that opinion, or I wouldn't assume so
ForeignTea: people compete professionally in badmitton
ForeignTea: clearly not the case here
ForeignTea: and not ALL asians play bedmitton or must know about it
Kevlar SouI: i didnt say they all did. but you would know about it before any white person i would ask
ForeignTea: why?
Kevlar SouI: and knowing you would know before them doesnt make me politically incorrect
Kevlar SouI: cause ur asian!
ForeignTea: just because of that? that's fucked up
Kevlar SouI: its not. everyone isnt the same
ForeignTea: exactly
Kevlar SouI: u probably know more chinese people than i do
Kevlar SouI: and people from china
ForeignTea: no I don't. I'm not from there
Kevlar SouI: and therefore may knowmore than americans where badmitton is
Kevlar SouI: i didnt say you were from anywhere
Kevlar SouI: i said you probably know more
ForeignTea: well, single out someone's "foreigness"
ForeignTea: and made vague assumptions on it is rather rude
Kevlar SouI: from now on i will pretend youre white and american
Kevlar SouI: then everyone will be happy and naive
ForeignTea: it's nothign about naivete, it's about stereotypes
Kevlar SouI: whatever. id ask any other foreign asian i knew before i asked any american about badmitton on campus
ForeignTea: have your wish. Don't expect too many friendly replies from people who are culturally sensitive