Cute groupie rings, teehee :)
Went shopping yesterday with the girls at SMU Flea. Had fun we haven't been having in some time. Afterwhich I returned to YF. Despite having been under MIA status for a few months, it's always so nice to know that going back to a family means that things don't change and you're always welcomed.
Catching up is good. With others, I can do easily; what I need more of is to do some spiritual reviving. Life appears to be scarily aimless now that the most immediate goal has passed. The feeling is hardly liberating.
I find myself becoming a tad too emotional. Mourning, mourning over my sinful nature (God will you be there to comfort?). Need to experience that peace once more... And True Joy. Almost cried during AG sharing today I have no idea why. Just so much angst, so much sadness.