Jul 01, 2009 21:59
Math Paper 1 was prolly an even greater waste of 3x60 minutes than was Geography on Monday. This is amusing. The moment the test started I went straight to working on question #7 (Vectors), spent a good 20+5 minutes on it and afterwhich, sat wondering why my butt even bothered sticking itself to that chair. The rest, I did based on what I liked > what the question sequence asked for. It's almost as if: If you were to "Let y be my brain (expressed in terms of x)" and differentiate that w.r.t. x the answer would come to Zero simply because quote Casey Leong 'the tiny grey matter in between [my] ears' has no higher derivative. Yes, sorry to disappoint but my train of thought goes no other direction than straight ahead, with the gradient (dy/dx=0) making it unable to fit to the whims & fancies of the way those questions are twisted.
And now, it's heads up - time to soak in Literature in all its goodness. Though, "let me confess exactly, with what feelings I looked forward to [the papers] coming"... "Not with pleasure", no; but "with considerable disturbance, some mortification, and a keen sense of incongruity".
I'm positively down.