On the back of my mind
We swam a sea
Of pretty sights and chandelier skies
I swore I could feel you breathe
It was all so real to me
Okay so we're back at school again.
It's been an average Day One. Assembly was boring, as usual. Afterwhich the LUE-takers were called aside whilst the Retainees stayed up in the Gallery waiting for LBY's speech for them (I think?) and the already-promoted J1s dispersed for their home rooms.
My heart was pounding like hell and it wouldn't stop.
tawanteo sitting next to me and throwing me that ":(" look didn't serve to make things any better. And it was during the meeting that I was proven otherwise about the rumors of theories regarding instant-promotion for all those offered the 'R's. A set of names was called out, and told to wait at the side where "Mrs Quek will speak to you". Zomg, it was freaky x93425816580. Turns out those got retained.
But it was all over when they spoke to our group (the majority) and lectured us on how we should be so grateful for advancement and how the 'A's are gna be a real big challenge and how we need to sign an undertaking. Wowza, a lot of information for a pretty messed up mind then and there, but I was thankful all the same. Can't say
heartrunway is wrong though - I prolly don't deserve it either. Oh well, thanks & congratulations to you too, Babe we're gna be wrkng real hard for the Final Exam.
Speaking of importantxz exams, the juniors got their 'O' Level results today and I'm rly happy for 'em. God rewards richly, I believe, and according to what each deserves. Whatever the case, praise the Lord in every season. (I will never forget my own experience of disappointment and I don't think I'll ever stop blaming myself for the poor results. But I guess that just makes the 'A's my one shot at redemption before I officially pronounce myself a blockhead.)
OKAY MY COUSIN JUST SENT ME A TEXT ASKING ABOUT STUDYING TOMORROW. That has woken me to my senses for sure; for a moment I was too caught up in flyflywonderland. (Damn you, Ely you need a proper resolution to stop using the computer.) Thank you cousin, you keep me motivatedddddd.
Right, I have homework to be done. Besides, I need to crash early 'cuz I'm down with the flu, again.