App. for SP

Dec 27, 2011 13:22

Player Information

Name: Cinders
Age: 21
AIM SN: PsyDSeward/Hannibalize
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: psyd_seward, eats_the_rude
Conditional: Activity Check Link: Here
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: Here

Character Information

Canon Source: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Series
Canon Format: Game
Character's Name: Manfred von Karma
Character's Age: 65
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played.N/A

What form will your character's NV take A cell phone that looks a bit like a palm treo with video, audio, web, and texting capabilities. Nothing less than a perfect device.


Character's Canon Abilities:

Diligence and a genius level of intellectual capacity in matters of law.

Prosecutors have the power to initiate criminal investigations, guide the sentencing of offenders, and are the only attorneys allowed to participate in grand jury proceedings. It goes without saying as a Prosecutor, Manfred must have attended a higher level of education and is an extremely well-learnt man. However, what is most notable about that is his immense genius for all things related to law.

Prosecutor Manfred von Karma's level of achievement is above and beyond what any average person could be thought capable of. Manfred has been a Prosecuting Attorney for the upside of forty years, making it his creed and motto to be Perfect. His status as undefeated for all of those years speaks to a natural aptitude for his job, which requires more than simply the knowledge of legal matters.

Analytical thinking and Precision to detail

It's equally important to understand that what being a prosecutor entails is not simply reflexive, mechanical application of the criminal justice system, but rather a sophisticated understanding of people and their motivations and the needs of the public, as well as the wisdom to deem what is necessary course of action in the face of well, anything. In other words: The ability to make purposeful, self-regulatory judgments in regards to using well-reasoned consideration to evidence, context, conceptualization, method, and criteria.

In short: Being a prosecutor draws upon one's analytical thinking as well as legal skills, extreme measures of detail and precision, and superior logical abilities, diligence, and ingenuity.

Perfection, Control, and Eloquence (even in stressful situations)

Manfred is a man who cannot afford to make mistakes. Being a prosecutor holds an enormous pressure, but rather than falter in the face of adversity, he thrives on it. He is essentially made out to be a kind of prosecuting demon because of his insane amount of dedication in punishing crime. Rarely, if ever does he lose control. He has an ungodly amount of reserve though by no means is he inarticulate. He leaves no loose ends. No clue unturned. In effect: He is perfection personified.

Great Power, Coercion, and Manipulation

Within the courtroom he is untouchable. A true nonpareil. To say that he is a force to be reckoned with is putting it lightly. He is, as Miles Edgeworth forewarned Phoenix Wright in Turnabout Goodbyes, "A god of prosecution". His hatred of crime seems to know no bounds; consequently, he has taken great lengths to secure his guilty verdict by whatever means possible.

He is, essentially, the backbone of the legal system, executing his trials with great self-confidence and a forceful demeanor that makes even the heartiest of defendants and their defense attorneys quiver with fear.

Within the trial to prosecute Edgeworth, Manfred proves himself a formidable opponent indeed. Witnesses were prepped to say exactly what he wanted to say, evidence went missing-All according to his wishes. He uses people to achieve an end to his means, using his great influences to turn the tables in his favor. He is extremely clever, and because of his understanding of the human psyche, is able to coerce and manipulate with fluid ease.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them The fear of others will rejuvenate him, in health and body. Depending on the amount of fear he may very well become very, very strong, and will not require the use of a cane. He may even regain a youthful disposition due to the euphoric feeling induced by said fear. If there is enough mass panic and chaos to go off of he will even become something akin to an all-powerful Manfred. But, such a state is temporary and when the fear diminishes so does the power. Only the rejuvenation will have lingering effects.

-A high voltage Taser

Character History

Point in Canon Post-Turnabout Goodbyes/Post-death in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; Sometime between Dec. 2016 and June 2017

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:

Boni judicis est judicium sine dilatione mandare executioni is a Latin phrase. It means ‘it is the duty of a good judge to cause execution to issue on a judgment without delay.’ This, in summation, is Manfred von Karma's ambition: To obtain a guilty verdict without delay. With or without inequity. All criminals are the same in his mind. But as Edgeworth warns Phoenix before the start of the trial in Turnabout Goodbyes, Karma has run nothing but perfect trials and every defendant he went against was found guilty, despite some having been innocent. This amounts to a very important aspect of his persona: An obsession with perfection.

Manfred von Karma is a seemingly cold man, ruthless in his methods and firm in his ideologies with the tenacity to back up his claims. One might even go so far as to call him a dogmatist in the sense that he asserts himself with a degree of arrogance, expectant of everyone to behave under his influence and obey without question. Unrelenting and domineering, he is a man who has wielded great power and influence via his profession, thus making him imperious by default. So much so, in fact, that all who are aware of his reputation as a "god of prosecution" know true fear. With a mere snap of his fingers he can sway a judge into seeing things his way, and ensnare a criminal into confession by means of his cold-eyed glare. Indeed, he is the exemplar of punishment. A prosecutor who is flawless. Perfect.

He is, however, a father of two daughters, one of which has a daughter herself, meaning he must have a side to him that he doesn't present in the courtroom. While we're not entirely aware of what kind of father Von Karma was, we do know that Franziska von Karma respects him, calling him by the pet name Papa. He doesn't seem like the emotionally nurturing type of parent, but yet possessed an authority over his children that pressured them enough to want to excel. He did not, however, force them to follow in his footsteps. Rather, his fame and reputation spoke for itself, driving Franziska to hold herself to the perfection of the family name. Edgeworth too, despite being an adopted child, felt the hand of perfection weight him down.

Without a doubt, there exists a darker twist to the man known as Prosecutor von Karma. He has let his hatred of crime and obsession of perfection consume him, inevitably turning him into someone who simply cannot tolerate mistakes, someone with a marked impatience when it comes to anyone or anything that will get in his way. He is also self-serving, having come to use the justice system as a means to get what he wants rather than carry out justice for justice's sake.

From what we're able to gather from his behavior and his choice style of clothing he lived a privileged life, used to everyone bowing and scraping before him without so much as a whisper of undermining his authority. In a whole, corruption had been ingrained, but never had he lost control completely in all his forty years as an undefeated prosecutor. That is, until, Gregory Edgeworth put a penalty on his court record. In the end, this proves he does have human weakness despite his almost impenetrable composure.

He had the perfect life. The perfect job. The perfect daughter. So why sink to the level of a murderer? The answer, is of course, that Manfred von Karma is not perfect. He is human, and despite his every word and deed that speaks to the contrary, when he is faced with something as unspeakable as a flaw on his record something in him must have snapped.

His ever-so-perfect control had been severed, leaving him reeling. He was so shaken he was unable to gather his composure for several hours, and went so far as to kill his rival out of passionate rage. While emotion is imperfect-counterintuitive to the Von Karma way-he is still capable of experiencing it for better or for worse. If one chiseled away at his icy exterior hard enough to crack it, one would find a man scarred by the pillar of prosecution he has pretended to be his whole life. The lies and inconsistencies eventually caught up with him. But even so, when he was at last found out for his unspeakable crime, he looked unfazed, ordering the judge "to end this miserable charade". He accepted his fate, going quietly with the sort of dignity only a Von Karma could muster.

An Addendum to Personality Section - Re: His "Antagonistic" Side - 1/06/2012

Manfred's extreme hubris makes him sneer in the face of defense attorneys, whom he considers little more than insects. So much so that he will not remember their names even if he's faced against them. He rather makes a point not to, almost as though he thinks them disposable and lowly-unworthy of remembrance.

He treats everyone with open hostility to indifference, with little regard for personal feeling or warmth. Instead, he makes no pretense at making nice with others, and when faced with those he abhors or is annoyed by, merely closes his eyes and clenches his shoulder, with his brows pinched in a way that suggests he is silently seething at their idiocy if not quietly orchestrating their demise in his mind. And certainly, this intensity in which he pressures others through either intimidation or by other less-than-moral means causes all to fear him.

His belligerence is often underlain by artful venom, and this kind of malice speaks to a sort of sadism that would otherwise go unnoticed if not for the way he treats others like fodder. In many ways, Manfred can be said to be a man with no shame in regards to how he toys with others' lives by manipulating evidence just in order to achieve his guilty verdict. This…sinister quality paired with the desire to achieve at whatever costs necessary is what makes him criminal himself, ironically.

By stepping into the shoes of someone who is able to wield and abuse a large amount of power and authority he'd gone against the code of a prosecutor in order to carry out his own nefarious plans. It was only a matter of time before this ruthless, cold-blooded nature led to something particularly cruel and heartless

This can best be seen in how he used and manipulated Miiles Edgeworth into destroying Gregory Edgeworth's legacy, and how he used his corrupting influence to remake Miles Edgeworth into everything Gregory was not. After the besmirching of his perfect record he became absolutely unhinged. (Though it's very plausible that the seeds of malevolence were already there given his propensity towards extremism and were simply exacerbated by that single flaw placed on his record.

He spent fifteen years plotting vengeance against the son of a man whom he adopted, only to set him up for the fall of his father's murder even though it was he himself who committed the crime. That kind of brutality and abuse destroyed Miles Edgeworth by insinuating that it was he who actually committed the murder incidentally when he was nine, thereby giving him years of trauma and nightmares and eventually drew Franziska along the same line of wrongdoing

The fact that Manfred was able to almost accomplish his task speaks to how horribly twisted and terrible a man like him is. Despite his occupation and the integrity most people in his profession are held to, Manfred manages to work his way around the very laws he implements without suffering from the repercussions himself. Even the taking of a human life is considered second-rate to his own magnitude.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game:
Character Plans:
Villainry; Possible character redemption; All-around AA cast shenanigans and being a jerkface. I like the idea of taking Von Karma post-death, as there would be many things he'd have to come to terms with. Having been executed, being one of them. The fact that he is not perfect being another and having to cope with others having the knowledge of the crime he committed fifteen years ago. Having his daughter here and all the burdens associated with that. So many things to go off of, I think it'll be very interesting to play them out.

5'10"; 177 cm; Eyes are brown; Hair is grey; His face is all sharp angles--so sharp one might be able to cut their hand on it. Official art here.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[There's a familiar scream, and an all-too-familiar Prosecutor roaring in pain, the white of his eyes wide with rage. Definitely not one of his better moments…Though luckily the audio feed cuts rather quickly, and when the next NV function is used, an older man with a scowl is staring directly at the screen, sitting calmly in the dugout with his right arm in a sling, the shadows cast over his face making him appear even more pale and livid.]

I demand to know where I am. Whoever has done this…You will pay dearly for your crimes. I am Prosecutor Manfred von Karma. Whoever you are, I will show you no mercy.

[A slight tremor is in his voice that is quickly quelled, though it could've just as easily been mistaken for anger. He was not happy with this situation by any means.]

If and when I find you I will charge you with assault and kidnapping. I hope that is understood.

[Of course, quite naturally he's bound to blame the next available person for all his problems. That person and the Edgeworths. Always. So of course it must be the FAULT of some kidnapper he's here.....Where ever here is.

But unfortunately he can't run after the person in question. Not when he's in a tremendous amount of pain..The agony of that bullet inside his shoulder is causing him to put up a front rather stiffly, his movements very slow at the very least.]

That is all.

[He breathed, seething. The medical personnel here were then crowding around him to check for any other injuries, the video fading to black.]

Third Person Sample

Manfred's mouth curved into a thin line of displeasure, brows curving in a scowl befitting only of the Von Karma name. He sat quietly on the cold concrete inside the dugout of a miserable little baseball diamond while a medical attendee attempted to persuade him to stay inside while it was still dark after he'd attempted to leave. Several times. The only thing getting in his way was this incessantly chattering girl, the nervous type, whom he felt a repulsion to. He could have easily pushed her aside, yet there were others about the diamond grounds that he remained wary of.

She kept mumbling about some kind of "Darkness" and the dangers of proceeding, though honestly he was doing his best to tune her out while using his surroundings to try and pinpoint his location.

"Canada" had been the short reply, which only resulted in his scorn.

The "Greeters", or so the inept personnel attempted to explain to a haughty Manfred, were at home that evening and could not account for his appearance here to this…place

His contempt only rose further, the edge of his mouth beginning to twitch while he shot the hopeless medical attendant a glare that could have killed her had it been a bullet.

She would not tell him the reason behind this ridiculous policy, but he could only surmise that whatever the cause for this she and everyone else involved in this little plot were all culpable and he would see to it that they received the just punishment they deserved.

For now, however, he would have to bid his time and wait, albeit very impatiently. He would not stand to be ordered about when he was a Von Karma, thus when she was out of sight he found it was easy enough to slip past her to stand out over home plate, though just as soon as he'd done so he felt another wave of nausea. This, of course, was what she'd been warning him about but due to his sheer stubbornness and outright refusal to comply he'd ignored her little outbursts. After all, he would sooner die than admit failure or weakness

He'd also been told that in the morning he'd be accompanied to the so-called "Tower Apartments", though even from this distance he could tell they'd be a hovel. Unacceptable. Simply lunacy if they expected him to accept these terms without protest. No rundown establishment was fit to house a Von Karma. He was rather half-inclined to think that the way he'd been implored was simply a ruse and the sickness he felt was induced from the drugs in his system rather than what was said to be attributed to "the Pull". He would, of course, get to the bottom of this once he made his way through the Dark to the apartments themselves. Maybe then someone would give him answers. If not, then he would extract them. Painfully, if need be.

!app, !info, !sirenspull

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