[Log] The clocks are ticking, the stars are shining.

Dec 05, 2009 23:14

Who: Grand Duchy!Lithuania (makesyoucoffee ) and Taiwan (lu_dao_gu_niang )
When: Night of November 30 turning December 1st.
Where: SS Sunflower, the deck
What: It's about time to return to his own era, but Lithuania wants to stay just a little longer...
Warnings: Romantic fluff~<3

When Taiwan went down to the kitchen that evening, she was just looking for something warm to drink before she went to bed. She missed having someone to talk to as she did so; Lithuania was still... she couldn't help blushing a bit as she waited for her water to boil. Even though no one else was there at the moment, she felt embarrassed. He was so different now...

Night was creeping in slowly, he could feel it. It wasn't just the sense of time that made him feel tired but the sensation of sleep and restoration that slinked into the back of his mind. The sense that he was running on borrowed time made him slightly anxious. He would never get used to this...future (or the dream he'd like to think it was), but he certainly wasn't done taking in all the sights. Walking down the hallway, Lithuania passed the kitchen only to pause in the doorway to silently observe Taiwan. If this was all a dream...was she entirely real?

She had her back turned towards the doorway, busily brewing her tea, setting the tea leaves into the pot and letting it steep. She felt a little bit calmer as the aroma of the tea filled the small kitchen.

Atleast this was a particularly nice dream. Taking a few steps into the kitchen, Lithuania cleared his throat to make his presence known; she didn't seem to have noticed him yet. His previous thoughtful expression eased into a calm smile as the fragrance of the tea wafted towards him. "Labas vakaras, Taiwan."

"O-oh!" Taiwan's hands shook for a moment in surprise; luckily she didn't spill or drop anything. "L-labas..." She repeated in confusion for a moment before she realized what he was saying. "G-good evening, Lithuania," she greeted him in return. She looked down at the teapot. "Would you like some tea?"

Lithuania smiled silently for a moment as he took note of Taiwan's confusion. Nodding, he looked through the cabinets for cups for their tea. He was glad he had memorized the kitchen beforehand after his first days there. "That sounds good. It seems I have nothing else to do...I hope I didn't bother you," he said as he placed them on the table while taking a seat.

Taiwan brought the teapot over to the small table, setting it down carefully. "It's no problem at all," she smiled at Lithuania. "Thank you for getting the cups." She pours out a cup for each of them, gracefully. "It's nice to have company (again) in the evening while you drink tea..."

Lithuania hummed thankfully as he felt the tea's warmth radiate through the cup and seep into his hands. It was all too calming; he almost didn't want to wake up. "I haven't had a lot of time to really relax recently...But, company does make it better."

Taiwan blushed at that and busied herself sipping her tea. He didn't mean what she thought he did, did he...? "I-i guess it's something you have to make time for... Quiet time is important..."

"I guess you're right," Lithuania nodded and raised the cup to try the tea. He smiled against the rim as Taiwan blushed prettily before taking a few sips. The hands of the kitchen's clock just reminded him of the feeling of his own time ticking away. Hopefully the drink would set a place in his mind to remind him of such a calming moment. "It's too bad...that everyday can't be like this," he added quietly as a sullen afterthought.

"I don't know..." she said quietly, shyly. "I think maybe we appreciate it more because of the other days we have to experience..."

"Possibly..." Lithuania said quietly before sipping the tea again. His gaze was somewhat distant, focusing on Taiwan and yet not really seeing her. Rather, his mind showed him familiar castle walls before blurring back to the view of the kitchen. "It's going to be late soon, won't it?"

"Ah, yes..." Taiwan glanced at the clock a little bit guiltily. "I was going to go to sleep after I finished drinking my tea..."

"I might...stay up a bit longer. I was actually planning on going to the deck," Lithuania said distantly. He didn't want her to leave just yet, but maybe it was unavoidable.

"I-it's all right-!" Taiwan said a bit hurriedly; they hadn't gotten that many opportunities to talk like this. "I'm not really that tired... we can go up on deck..." She looked away. "I-if you still want to talk to me, that is..."

Lithuania smiled as he touched Taiwan's hand gently in a comforting gesture and to get her to look at him. "I would really like to talk to you more if it's not a problem."

"I-i-it's not a problem at all-!" Taiwan stammered out, looking straight at Lithuania. She doesn't even think to move her hand.

Chuckling softly at Taiwan's reaction, Lithuania barely noticed the sense of loss when he withdrew his hand to finish off his tea. A small grin played at the corners of his mouth as he watched her, "I hope you don't mind viewing the stars for a bit. I wanted to get a good look at them tonight."

Part of her can't help giving a little sigh; watching the stars (how romantic!)... "N-not at all," she answered, a bit of her confidence returning. "Do you want to bring some more tea up or...?" She reached for the pot, intending to pour. "It's been a little chilly..."

"That's a good plan. Would you mind moving to the deck now? If I remember correctly, there are some chairs and a small table on the deck," Lithuania added as he slowly rose from the table.

"A-a tray then?" Taiwan walked over to the cabinet to bring one down, setting teapot and cups onto it. "Maybe a snack...?" She isn't trying to keep busy as an excuse not to look at Lithuania, but it is hard to think what she might be doing instead.

Lithuania continued to smile as he watched Taiwan busy herself by preparing the tray before he picked it up. "If you want, but I'm fine with just tea," he added calmly as he made his way over to the doorway.

"I-it's probably not a good idea to eat too much so late," she nodded, agreeing, and followed him up top.

Taking a deep breath of the night air, Lithuania settled the tray on the small table setup on the deck. The stars sparkled brightly in contrast to the dark, cloudless night. "It's perfect, isn't it?" he asked in a low voice as he gazed out into the sky.

Taiwan leaned against the railing looking out at the sea, the stars hanging low and bright above her head. "Yes," she whispered softly, wistfully, remembering another ocean view from long ago.

Lithuania walked quietly up to the rail beside Taiwan and listened as the waves splashed against the side of the ship. "I'm don't normally go to sea often..." Lithuania murmured as he continued watching the stars beside her.

"I can't imagine being without it," she doesn't seem to realize quite what she's saying, or how close Lithuania was now.

Lithuania's mind stumbled over the fact that Taiwan's response seemed so real, too real, compared to any other dream. But, this was simply a dream; everything perfect and beautiful within it was his own imagination...wasn't it? A contemplative silence fell over Liet before his gaze shifted from the stars back to Taiwan. "Beautiful then," he mumbled softly to himself, not registering what he just said.

"It is," Taiwan whispered back; in the silence of the late evening, it is so easy to hear everything. And it was such a lovely view, the stars reflected in the water, the waves lapping against the hull of the ship, the air chill and clear. They don't need to talk; at least not yet.

Maybe he was just being stubborn, maybe he didn't want to face what he would become in the far off future. "Taiwan...how do I know?" Lithuania asked reluctantly as he broke the silence. His mind was not at ease even with the calming atmosphere.

"How do you know...?" Taiwan turned away from the view of the horizon to look at Lithuania. He seemed so tense...

"...How do I know this is real? How do I know this is really the future?" he continued quietly as his eyes searched hers for answers.

Caught by...something, Taiwan couldn't shift her eyes away from looking into Lithuania's; she doesn't even think of turning away. "I-I don't know..." she whispered a little bit helplessly. "I didn't know what you were - are-! - like back then..."

Lithuania's gaze held steady for a moment before looking away. "I-It's alright..." he said finally as he leaned more against the railing. "I can't say I would want that to change- I mean...I don't want to ruin time if this is the future."

Irrationally, she felt a little bit disappointed when Lithuania turned away, but that didn't make any sense... She turned to look back out across the sea, but it's not quite as serene as she'd felt before... "I think you being here is already a change..."

He chuckled slightly, "Maybe...but I wouldn't want to change the people I've met here by...doing something wrong when I go back. Or when I wake up. I...I'd like to think that I'll meet you again someday."

Taiwan was grateful for the slight chill of the night air and the cold breeze; otherwise she was sure her cheeks would be heating up very obviously. "I-i'm glad I met you..." she stuttered, not even seeing the waves anymore.

Turning back to Taiwan, Lithuania gave her a grateful smile. He couldn't help but focus on her more than the stars he had brought them out for. "...You've been too nice to me, Taiwan. It's been a real honor."

"I-I haven't-!" she almost squeaked out, hurrying to cover it up with, "I-I mean, you've always been so kind to...or you will be...um..."

There was a hint of reluctancy when he laughed, "I apologize if I haven't been as kind as my present-self then. I do hope you'll forgive me."

"T-that's not what I meant!" the words tumbled out quickly, a little bit awkwardly. "Just... I mean... "

"It's fine," Lithuania said as he patted her shoulder comfortingly. His smile was a mix of playfullness and reassurance. "I'm only different because of the situation I am placedinto. We all change over time, don't we?"

She couldn't help thinking back, so long ago, before she'd ever seen anyone else - to
quiet lonely sunsets on the beaches, to long days in the sun, before rules of etiquette and proper behavior, to heavy silk clothing...before - "Yes, I guess we do," she answered.

Lithuania watched Taiwan carefully before his hand left her shoulder and stroked her hair lightly. It was an automatic comforting gesture; he barely realized what he was doing. "Everything turned out fine in the end, hasn't it?"

"It did," she had to admit; even if they annoyed her, or frustrated her or made her angry by turns... "I-I'm sure everything will turn out fine for you too, Lithuania..." A pause, and she had to qualify with, "In the end..."

"If it means I get to meet you again, then everything will turn out fine," Lithuania said with a sincere smile. This wouldn't be bad, staying by Taiwan's side...

Nothing could stop the blush now, and she looked up at Lithuania, finally noticing his hand in her hair... But she doesn't shrug him off or pull away. "Will you even remember this when..."

"When I go back...?" he asked quietly, consciously moving his hand to her cheek. "I pray I do...I would hate to forget you." Once again, he could sense the ticking away of borrowed time as he studied Taiwan.

She froze then, her eyes fluttering almost shut. "I wouldn't want to forget you either..." she breathed.

Lithuania smiled back as his thumb caressed her cheek admiringly. It was his last night... "Then let's not forget each other," he said quietly as he leaned in and kissed her softly.

I wouldn't, was the first thought on her mind, quickly driven out by the fact that... she was being kissed! Taiwan was too stunned to push Lithuania away, and she didn't particularly want to...

Reveling in the fragile moment, his kiss became all the more tender. He was honestly surprised that he wasn't pushed away, that Taiwan was still there in reach.

Taiwan's eyes fluttered completely shut, and she tilted her head very slightly, changing the angle just so.

Lithuania smiled into the kiss and felt overjoyed as Taiwan moved but not in an effort to get away. He gently rested his other hand on her back and unconsciously but gradually pulled her closer.

Her eyes snapped open at the touch of Lithuania's hands. "Mmph-!" she exclaimed in surprise, the word muffled (for obvious reasons), and pulled back a little bit; not out of the circle of Lithuania's arms, but enough to be looking up at him, breath coming a little fast. "W-what..."

Lithuania broke away quickly while looking distinctly lost as he gazed back. "I-I'm... sorry..." he whispered quietly as he fought the urge to kiss her again. Instead, he followed his mortified instincts to drop his hands to his sides but still increasingly reluctant to move away.

"No it's...it was nice it..." Taiwan had no idea what she was trying to say. She looked away, down at the planking of the deck. "Y-you don't even know me..." she whispered, almost to herself.

Lithuania averted his eyes to the water as he felt an embarassed blush spread over his face. "Fourteen days...You don't think I would have familiarized myself with who you are after that much time?"

"F-fourteen days isn't that long," her blush was spreading now, she could practically feel it, "n-not for," kissing, "a-and besides...y-you're not the Lithuania I know...yet...""

"...True...it isn't in most cases," Lithuania said solemnly as he finally stepped away slightly to lean against the railing. "...It's too late now but 600 years will go by fast, won't it?"

"I-I hope it won't seem that long for you," Taiwan said softly, a little bit wistfully.

"Maybe it won't, but..." Lithuania went silent as he stared out at the stars and saw something he shouldn't be able to. Another battle but he's still the same as he moves and fights and- "...I am who I am, Taiwan. I hope you don't think more or less of me when 'your' Lithuania comes back. Because it's still me."

She didn't really know what she could say to that. So she took a breath and leaned up on tiptoe to give this Lithuania a kiss on the cheek. "When he...you...come back..." she whispered, still blushing, looking away, "I won't mind if you still remember this..."

Lithuania smiled happily as he turned towards Taiwan. "You really are too kind, Taiwan...I'm glad you'll be in my future," he said quietly as he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him like it was trying to take him somewhere else. "But sadly, I think it's time for me to...go back."

"Eh?!" She didn't miss the look of fatigue. Was he feeling ill? And what was he talking about...? "'Go back'? Go back w-" That only made her more worried... "L-Liet! Where are you going-?! You don't look..."

He gave a tired sigh before moving to pull Taiwan into a hug. "I need to go back to my own time...or wake up. Either way, everything will be fine." His hand drifted through her hair in comforting strokes, faltering slightly in his drowsiness.

Taiwan was so stunned she simply let Liet hold her close, and stroke her hair. "So I won't...see you again?" He would be Lithuania when she next saw him, she thought to herself, Lithuania, who had been her friend on this ship for almost all the time she'd been here, the Lithuania who she could talk with over tea, the one who had somehow become her best friend... But this... Lithuania from the past... She blushed lightly, and turned slightly away, but didn't attempt to pull out from his embrace.

"You will...You'll have me in the future," Lithuania said in a low voice straining to hold onto consciousness, "If it isn't, I'll find you...no matter what..." He wished he could say more, but his eyes close and he's no longer there.

...It only takes a few seconds for him to return; wide-eyed and dazed as he pulls away from Taiwan. "W-what....?"

She felt it the instant when the change was made, when Lithuania's hold became tentative around her, and when he pulled away. She summoned up a bright, happy smile. "Welcome back, Lithuania," she greeted him, her cheeks still slightly flushed, her eyes bright.

Lithuania looked at Taiwan but his gaze clearly wasn't registering her. "I-...I thought it was a dream."

"It wasn't," she told him gently, still smiling.

"...M-maybe." Smiling back warily, Lithuania finally observed the deck, "Isn't it a bit...late? Maybe we should go to bed..." He moves over to the tray holding the now cold tea. "I-I can take this back to the kitchen, if you want me to." The sensation of sleep-walking was still strong and easily readable on his features.

Taiwan couldn't just leave Lithuania to carry everything on his own. "No! It's fine..." She took his hand, tugging on it lightly. "Why don't we both go to bed now? We can clean up in the morning..."

Lithuania paused as he looked down at Taiwan's hand. Something seemed to almost click but was stopped prematurely as he nodded. "T-that sounds like the best option..."

Taiwan led the way back to their rooms. Lithuania seemed more than a little bit dazed... "Are you going to be all right...?" She asked with concern as he pushed open the door to his room.

"I...I think I'll be alright, but thanks...," he replied as he turned back to Taiwan with his hand ready to close the door. "...Y-you don't have to worry about me, Taiwan. You should probably get some sleep too."

She nodded, but she didn't move from her place. "I will, don't worry."

Lithuania looked a bit lost when she didn't move; he couldn't just close the door on her like this. "T-Taiwan.....?"

Taiwan startled. "A-ah, right! G-goodnight, Lithuania..." She bowed and left for her room, glancing over her shoulder all the while.

"Goodnight..." He watched her as she moved farther down the hallway before he closed his door. He didn't even try to move. Back sliding down the wall, he accepted that there would be no sleep tonight.
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