"O ye of little faith. I'd be more pleased if I thought your doubt signaled that you were developing a properly scientific nature of inquiry, but since I know better..."
He flashes Sam a quick grin, and points toward the cricket ground.
"Remember when I got roundly scolded by Marks for poking about in the old bell tower?"
Although it must be noted that the tower in question is nowhere near the cricket ground, Nick doesn't appear to be bothered by this detail.
"Don't be surprised when I take you up on that," Nick tells him. "Frankly, given the dribs and drabs that're all that's known about your Old Kingdom, it's enough to drive a chap mad with curiosity."
He lowers his hand.
"And as to what I was looking for, I was following the birds."
"Not all that odd, surely," he protests. "Why odd?"
A beat.
"I didn't do anything with the birds, that's the whole point. I couldn't get close enough to them to see how their wings worked when they were flying."
Nick's leaning against the doorjamb, hands in his pockets and a frown on his face as he studies Sameth.
"I really hate Cochrane sometimes, I tried but Ellie's the politician not me."
Its not all of the reasons he looks glum, but its the one that Nick will understand most.
Nick crosses the room, giving Sam a friendly buffet on the shoulder before dropping down to sit on the end of his bed.
"You can't be letting old Cochrane get under your skin, Sam. The man's useless when it comes to anything that doesn't fit his rulebook."
Sam hasn't written anything on the paper in front of him so just balls it up and tosses it at the wall, it helps a bit.
"Right. Come on then."
Although he'd just sat down not two moments ago, Nick bounds immediately to his feet once more.
"What're you waiting for, old chap? Let's go."
Now he does sigh but he also stands up, when Nick's got his mind on something, its not worth arguing with him.
Even though Sameth just wants to stay up here and try and design something to build when he gets home.
Nick leads the way out of the room and heads straight for the outside.
He follows after Nick and when they head outside just frowns slightly. Yes, its a nice day but that's all it is, just a nice day.
"O ye of little faith. I'd be more pleased if I thought your doubt signaled that you were developing a properly scientific nature of inquiry, but since I know better..."
He flashes Sam a quick grin, and points toward the cricket ground.
"Remember when I got roundly scolded by Marks for poking about in the old bell tower?"
Although it must be noted that the tower in question is nowhere near the cricket ground, Nick doesn't appear to be bothered by this detail.
Nick's finger isn't pointing in the right direction but Sam's going to wait, Nick usually knows what he's doing.
He lowers his hand.
"And as to what I was looking for, I was following the birds."
Sam just isn't sure he can picture it, Nick's so modern,
"What were you doing with the birds?"
A beat.
"I didn't do anything with the birds, that's the whole point. I couldn't get close enough to them to see how their wings worked when they were flying."
The image makes Sam grin though and shift his stance to a fighting one and punch Nick's arm.
He assumes a reasonably credible boxing stance and gives Sam a mock-challenging look.
"I've been trained by the guards so you'd better watch out."
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