Jul 08, 2010 11:45


1. Well, this is certainly one of the more underwhelming covers I've seen in terms of art quality, but that doesn't mean it's lacking in entertainment. For one thing, it's a much clearer view of all of Enma's wtfery than we got last week (and his flame does look like a penis, merryrainbow, you were right! I SEE IT NOW ;_;), and for another, it provides us with the first really hilarious reaction panel we've gotten in this entire arc (not counting the rooftop battle between Hibari and Adelheid). I love Gokudera's face. I love Ryohei's face. But most of all, I love the fact that Chrome is so short that her face got cut off. XDDDD I keep clicking back to it and giggling. THERE HAD BETTER BE ICONS.

Enma's hand has its own orbit. Dude.

2. Tsuna, apparently having missed the page in the last chapter where he asked, "The ones who hurt Yamamoto...?" and Enma replied, "Yeah, that was us," asks, "You're the ones who hurt Yamamoto?!" and Enma replies, "Yeah, that's right, Tsuna-kun." Tsuna again shouts, "WHY?!", and I'm pretty sure Morpheus said that when this happens it means there's a glitch in the Matrix, so I hope the guardians are extra careful.

3. Wow, really? "Rightful atonement?" Enma, suddenly I want to punch you really hard. At least Adelheid gave a real, non-bullshit explanation for attacking him. Geez.

Does anyone else notice that the Ninth is suddenly becoming the new Basil? Come on, man, even Tsuna is holding it together better than you. No wonder you got kidnapped.

4. EXPOSITION PAGE! |D Blah blah Shimon Rings, blah blah earthquake, blah blah Shimon Cozart, blah blah pretty, pretty Enma. I mean, blah blah Sin. Yes.

How the hell did the Vongola not know exactly whose blood they were passing down to each new generation in their super important inheritance ceremonies? CHRIST YOU GUYS FAIL SO HARD. Were they just like, "HERE, IT'S SOME GUY'S BLOOD, I GUESS? IDK BUT I'M SUPPOSED TO GIVE IT TO YOU, THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS IN THE VONGOLA MANUAL"?

--oh my God that's exactly what they did. 8| "How foolish of you, Nono." AND HOW. You tell him, Adelheid. I think her boobs inflate a little whenever she gets into the full swing of exposition.

5. ...actually, on second thought, given the sheer number of ridiculous Vongola traditions, I can kind of understand why no one bothered to look into the history behind this one. Anyway, so Adelheid takes it upon herself to explain that long ago, Vongola Primo and Shimon Primo were buddies, until Vongola "Protect the townspeople and fight for our loved ones without abusing our power" Primo tried to conquer Europe (...) using the Shimon family as bait (......). FOR SOME REASON THE SHIMON FAMILY AGREED TO THIS (???!), but then when the time came, the Vongola never showed and Cozart basically got drawn and quartered, holy shit.

And this would explain why Enma chose to test Tsuna in the same manner, and why his little shota heart was ripped to pieces when Tsuna never showed up either. Okay, so maybe he has reason to be pissed. A little.

6. But then he goes way too far by assigning Tsuna blame simply because he's loosely descended from the guy who supposedly did all this. I like that Gokudera immediately takes offense, because if anyone would know what it's like to be held responsible for the sins of your parents/ancestors, it's him.

Unfortunately, Tsuna makes two mistakes here that I can see. First, he incorrectly states that he doesn't have the ability to find out what really happened between the Vongola and the Shimon (TIME TRAVELING RINGS, HELLO), and second, he leaps to Primo's defense without any evidence, and also ignoring the fact that THIS MAY NOT BE THE BEST WAY TO ACHIEVE DIPLOMACY AT THIS MOMENT. Just because Giotto has always appeared to be polite and well-groomed does not mean he was not capable of dickishness (in fact, judging by Mukuro and Byakuran, it almost makes it more likely). Granted, he's probably right, but I still think shouting it in Enma's face was probably a bad call.

7. Yeah, it seems to have pissed them off further. What a surprise.

So the Shimon family declares Enma to be the Tenth Shimon Boss (which for some reason takes everyone by surprise), and then Enma says that he's going to take over the mafia and regain the pride of the Shimon. Again, nothing that was even remotely unexpected.

8. Fortunately, Adelheid saves the day by giving us what we've really been waiting for this entire chapter: FANSERVICE. Oh. Hell. Yes. Coyote has the absolute funniest reaction anyone could ever possibly have (seriously, did anyone else laugh out loud? Because I pretty much died), and Tsuna's all, "Heeeeeeell no, here it goes," and then everything fucking explodes. And Gokudera saves the day (you're welcome, Nonos). And I just became so completely aroused it's not even funny.

9. Does anyone else find it both odd and hilarious that Chrome is still bothering to keep the Yamamoto illusion intact? CALL ME CRAZY, BUT I THINK THEY MAY BE ON TO YOU, CHROME.

10. Yaaaaaay, the Earth flame spoilers were right. NOW WE CAN SPEND THE ENTIRE NEXT WEEK SPECULATING ON WHAT THE EARTH FLAME COUNTERPARTS TO THE SKY FLAMES ARE. And also making comparisons to X/1999. Which, as I said in the comm, I am almost positive that Amano is now shamelessly ripping off. |D

Final thoughts:

  • They do look like Gundams. :O
  • ahhhh ahhh I can't stop imagining Kaoru running Yamamoto through with that... DRILL... SPEAR... THING, and I feel a little sick now.
  • Aoba and Julie look almost identical. I wonder if Amano just ran out of ideas with them. I kind of wish Julie's goatee had gotten some sort of transformation.
  • Adelheid looks capable of killing absolutely everyone in that room. I'm amazed the Vongola are not just shrieking and running away. SHE IS A GODDESS OF DEATH.
  • Shitt P seriously looks 100 percent like a Gundam. Seriously.
  • Teeheehee, Enma, suddenly all of your minions look cooler than you. Poor guy. XD

I close this post with these immortal words spoken by MangaHelpers's Oni_James:

Fucking Reborn! The more I get, the more I want. XD

reborn (the series), oh nono you didn't, terrible things are happening, hipster mcnametwin, aoba mcaoba, leave your logic at the door, domo arigato mr kozato, hoodlum mctraitorousswine, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, tsuna, gaga mcwtf, hilarity, boobs mcawesome, gokudera

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