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starlinglove June 5 2010, 23:43:01 UTC
1. Footsie was totally priest acceptable back in the day.

4. Aha! We're on to you, Tsuna, you sly dog. No wonder he was so adamant about "WE'RE FRIENDS ALREADY, ENMA-KUN, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" He's planning to put the moves on 'em after all that shy little boy acting.

7. ... I went back and looked at the panels you mentioned and just ... yeah. Amano and these boys are creating a shota manga all their own.

9. I keep forgetting how long I-pin really has been in Japan. And kids do pick up on things faster than adults, so you're right. She probably knows a couple phrases, if not more, by now. She's had plenty of time to learn. Though, yeah, not expecting her to be speak fluently just yet.

10. There's definitely something dark surrounding that freaking thing. Now I just want to know what the hell Primo did to start this weird ass tradition of making little boys (and girls, to include the Eighth) drink sins of other PEOPLE no less. I'm kind of hoping Tsuna accepts, though, if only to see how things progress from there. I mean, how would it be possible to reshape a mafia family after inheriting their greatest sin of all apparently? He'd be another Ninth in the making instead of his own person, more or less. ... And yeah, now I'm babbling. But that creepy Sin stuff keeps making me think 'possession'. We need more Mukuro in the story, he probably knows a hell of a lot more than any of the rest of the tenth gen. guardians.


makeste June 7 2010, 18:39:56 UTC
1. And apparently priest acceptable more recently too, unfortunately. AWKWARD AND COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT SOCIAL COMMENTARY ON THE CATHOLIC CHURCH GET. Oh yeah. XD

10. Yeah, the whole sin thing is not on. HOW THE HELL DOES A TRADITION LIKE THAT COME ABOUT. Anyway, my current theory is that at the very last minute, Tsuna will change his mind about the ceremony and decline, and a relieved Enma will tell Adelheid and the others to stand down, they don't need to intervene after all, and for just a moment it'll look like everything will actually be okay. AND THEN the Cervello will intervene and the crazy mafia inheritance plan b rules will go into effect and Enma will inherit the Vongola Sky Ring instead and he'll end up drinking the sins and he'll turn into a bad guy, OH NO.

Mukuro probably does know a thing or two about the whole thing; too bad he's currently locked away in fishtank and also just doesn't seem to give a shit. OH, MUKURO.


starlinglove June 8 2010, 06:19:06 UTC
1. ... W-WHAT.

10. I hope something like that does happen. Because we have been severely lacking Cervello appearances for this arc. It's only a matter of time before they pop back up like whack-a-moles.

xD True enough. Even if Mukuro knew everything he would most likely be of the opinion "why would I tell you? I'm having a splendid time swimming in my LITTLE FISHTANK. Next time you need my help, look me up in ... oh, say five hundred years."

Completely irrelevant question, but. Would you like a small batch of icons? I dunno. I kind of wanted to make some icons, but I have no ideas for what to icon, so I figured if you'd like some I could get back into the practice of making 'em?


makeste June 9 2010, 18:25:05 UTC

10. Lol, the hilarious thing about that is that given the Vongola's penchant for time travel and Mukuro's ability to reincarnate himself, THEY COULD ACTUALLY TAKE HIM UP ON THAT OFFER. You should think about that the next time you decide to be sarcastic, Mukuro. XD

And OF COURSE I am always up for new icons and I'm also totes thrilled that you would offer <3, but I'm just a little hesitant because a) I only have a couple of slots open, and I always feel guilty if someone makes them and then I don't use them, and b) I have no idea which panels I'd suggest atm. But I love your icons, so I'll try to come up with some ideas for that second part. |D


starlinglove June 10 2010, 01:14:44 UTC

10. They could, true that. Sorry, Mukuro, maybe you'll be free of 'em when you go to Hell again for a quick rest. xD ... And now you've made me want to read a good time travel fic for this series sjdljf.

Eh, no reason to feel guilty if you don't use any. If you have any suggestions in the future, I'd be more than willing to give them a try. Heck, it can be from another series entirely if you can't think of any for KHR. It'll be interesting to see what other fandoms we have in common. ♥


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