Apr 15, 2010 23:51

1. So I clicked on the first page here, and immediately had the following sequence of thoughts:

  1. BOOBS.
  2. Oh, that's Hibari. Why is he upside-down?
  3. ...where are his pants?
What I now want to know (besides the answer to the pants question) is, how many of you had the exact same thought process? Just out of curiosity. And let it never be said that Amano does not know how to draw covers that inspire conversation. XD

2. Tsuna looks like he only just now noticed the boobs.

Oh wait, they're all still surprised about last week's mafia revelation. Why are they surprised? Oh hell, let's just go along with it.

And how come Julie doesn't get a reaction panel on the bottom with all the rest? Is he not good enough or something? What exactly are you trying to say here, Amano?

3. "Yep, all seven, according to my sources." WHAT SOURCES. THE ATTIC IS A SOURCE?

Haha I love how Enma is all "WELL YOU NEVER ASKED." In his defense, Tsuna really should start asking people. Because seriously, every single person in Namimori is in the mafia.

Though I should note, Enma doesn't actually seem too thrilled at being ratted out. Is he possibly disappointed that he didn't get to make a friend on his own terms for once in his life without it having something to do with the mafia? OR DOES HE JUST ALWAYS LOOK LIKE THAT? It's hard to tell, because his face, it does not change like a normal person's. XD

And wow, burn, Reborn. Buuuuuurn.

4. Vongola really needs to get its act together. The hell kind of family is so disorganized that four of its top guardians (including the RIGHT HAND MAN, who NEVER GETS TO BE IN THE KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING, APPARENTLY) have to find out about a hugely important ceremony from a RIVAL FAMILY, of all places? Granted, anyone who complains about getting exposition from Adelheid needs to do some good, long soul-searching about how to be grateful for the little things in life, but still.

Anyway, so we're finally getting all of this confirmed now. The ceremony takes place in seven days, and Tsuna will officially become the Tenth boss, which I confess is actually pretty cool, because I didn't expect anything like this to happen for years. I figured they'd at least wait until he was eighteen or something, but silly me.

More importantly, Adelheid says the Shimon gang came to Namimori because it was convenient, so does that mean the ceremony is taking place there instead of in Italy? Because if so, GOD FUCKING DAMMIT.

5. Ryohei brings up a legitimate point! And in an intelligent manner, which is actually a pretty damned big deal... SO OF COURSE REBORN IMMEDIATELY SHOOTS HIM DOWN. You're such a bitch, Reborn.

...Doesn't this seem like an awful lot of power to place in the hands of someone who says things like "Eek"? XD

6. OOH WE GETTIN' LOTS OF FUN MAFIA ACTION UP IN HERE SOON. It's the big mafia social event of the season! Everyone's coming down! Trad 6 is coming down! The Leilei brothers (ARE THEY RELATED TO I-PIN I WONDER) are coming down! The Giegue family is coming down! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S UP WITH THE GIEGUE FAMILY. THEY MADE GOKUDERA ALL NERVOUS AND SWEATDROPPY, I'VE GOT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THEM.

Ooh, and speaking of, I wonder if Gokudera's dad's family is coming down. :D Suddenly this arc is just brimming with potential.

7. Oh, Tsuna, you are so painfully cute and naive. But that's why I love him. Even now, all he wants is to just be a normal guy.

Kinda flies in the face of what Enma's saying here. Who says power corrupts? For someone who saved the goddamn world, Tsuna sure doesn't have much in the way of ambition.

Incidentally, Enma's actually pretty not-creepy here. And here, too. Suddenly his formerly terrifying stare has become a wistful shota gaze of adorableness. *_*

8. J-Jesus Christ omg. XDDD First there was Tarzan last week, and now for whatever bizarre reason he's dressed up as a female tennis player? SOB WHAT IS HE TRYING TO DO TO ME.

The way Tsuna says "good... friends?" reminds me of the way Zapp Brannigan says "good friends", and makes me wonder exactly when we can expect to see the piles of 27/Enma doujin that are surely being drawn as we speak.

9. And once again, Tsuna is surprised by something he shouldn't be. Of course bad things are going to happen. A hugeass group of the world's most powerful (and not-so-powerful) families are all gathering in Namimori for a ceremony some of them almost certainly object to. Yeah, that's really going to end well.

SUDDEN HARPOONS! Yes, now this is exactly the sort of thing we should all be expecting.

10. OH MY GOD WHAT IS HE. HOW DOES A GUY AS BIG AS A HOUSE GO AROUND SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE? I would think someone like that would actually make a terrible assassin, but whatever.

Well, all right, then, Tsuna, why don't you go ahead and show us all why the Ninth is so confident that you're ready to take up the Vongola mantle. MAKE US PROUD.

So, we got the exposition out of the way, and now our first real battle; looks like this arc is getting a move on at last. WHAT IS THIS STRANGE FEELING? I think it is called anticipation. :D Heehee, I can't wait for next week.

reborn (the series), leave your logic at the door, domo arigato mr kozato, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, tsuna, boobs mcawesome, gokudera, ryohei

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