I have no self-control.

Apr 01, 2010 21:20

Sob would you just look at this KHR addict who can't even keep her April Fool's thing going for one day. XD SO YEAH, I AM STILL DOING THIS WEEK'S CHAPTER (like I could stay away from Adelheid), and the Retrospective KHR Theatre was sadly a one-time-only thing... FOR NOW. MAYBE. Or maybe not because actually it was kinda fun, hmm.

Anyway, chapter 284 beckons!

1. OH MY GOD it's a color page with the new guys and OH MY GOD they're all mostly so attractive and especially Adelheid (forget the boobs, look at those legs), but most of all OH MY GOD, KOUYOU'S LAST (first?? I don't know which order they put them in) NAME IS AOBA. As a Naruto fan, that brings back a zillion crack-filled memories and immediately makes Kouyou a strong bid for my second favorite new character even though Shitt P.'s standing right there behind him living it up. Not even two chapters in, and I am loving this arc, guys.

2. Aww, Reborn wants Tsuna to make new friends! And of course Tsuna is bitching about it the entire way. It wouldn't be Tsuna otherwise.

Speaking of new friends, it looks like Yamamoto got his wish. One of the new transfer students (IS HE SERIOUSLY TRYING TO PASS AS A MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT, christ what are they feeding kids these days) is interested in baseball! But you can pry the position of pitcher from Yama's cold dead hands, Kaoru. Just a warning. GO AHEAD AND TRY, THOUGH.

3. RYOHEI! |D And Aoba Kouyou! |D

...Okay, first Amano made the first-gen guardians clones of the tenth-gen kids, and now apparently she's doing it again, only this time they're personality clones. A HOTTER, MORE NOSTALGICALLY NAMED VERSION OF RYOHEI APPEARS?! What will this mean for our beloved Sun Guardian? And perhaps more importantly, does this mean that Shitt P. is the Gokudera equivalent of the group, because my God. MY GOD.

Ryohei, fair warning--if you start dissing Kouyou's name, I may have to reach through my screen somehow and hurt you.

4. And here we have a rare glimpse of what Reborn does in his alone time, which is apparently stalking Tsuna and all of his guardians, and making extremely obvious observations slowly out loud to himself. Suddenly he doesn't seem quite so intimidating. XD

5. Haha, I've been waiting for this. Julie happens to be my manga nametwin (at long last I finally have one T_T), so I have taken a special interest in him. Unfortunately though, we still don't know much about him aside from the fact that he is matched up with Chrome, apparently shops for groceries while wearing that hat unironically, and lives in fear of Adelheid kicking his ass.


6. And now the moment we've all been waiting for: round 2 of most epic match-up in history. 8D ADELHEID HAS OFFICIALLY MADE HIBARI GO "!" SO YOU KNOW SHE'S SERIOUS BUSINESS. She managed to out-intimidate Hibari and collect necessary signatures by force, omg. For some reason this kind of thing never won me over when Hibari did it but the instant Adelheid does it I am like putty in her hands! I AM SOME KIND OF HYPOCRITE.

7. ...even when Enma's sad and alone he creeps me out. XD There's something wrong with me.

And again he is pantsless! Though quite handy with a sewing needle, apparently. And he appears to have even won Tsuna's pity, which says quite a lot for how adorably pathetic he currently is.

Aww, I think this was the first panel in which he did not scare the living daylights out of me. |D

8. --and he's right back to being creepy again, holy shit. XD And Tsuna, you say "the old me" like you didn't just have your ass handed to you by a couple of middle school bullies in the last chapter. Oh, you.

9. Tsuna's bugged-out eyes in this page crack me up. Yes, I am deliberately trying to draw this out so I can have a full ten points this week.

10. And it appears Reborn has found something incriminating whilst doing research in... the attic, of all places. XD Well, who am I to question his methods? And who knows, maybe that attic has been in Tsuna's family for generations. Or the attic stuff, at the very least. So it's kind of plausible...? I guess it depends on what exactly he found, though.

Which I suppose we will learn next week. I LOOK FORWARD TO IT.

reborn (the series), yamamoto, hipster mcnametwin, aoba mcaoba, domo arigato mr kozato, yay new chapter, namimori antichrist, tsuna, hilarity, boobs mcawesome, ryohei

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