ITP: Dragonball Z. Wait, no, KHR.

Feb 19, 2010 16:38

1. Did Giotto really go around wearing a big cape with "VONGOLE FIRST" printed in giant letters on it? Because if he did, that explains so, so much about the Vongola family and its legacy of fabulousness that has been passed down from generation to generation. |D

2. "There is a song that has been etched in my memory since the day I was born..." What? Seriously? Are we doing ancient prophecies in this manga now, seriously?

...Prophecies that need to be explained via complex charts and graphs, even. o_o Damn. You know, every so often I have to remind myself that this started out as a manga where an infant hitman routinely shot a teenage boy in the head so that he could fight people in his underwear. Just to put things in perspective, and to remember that as strange as this may seem, this series has always been this bizarre and at this point I should really stop being surprised.

So okay, Tsuna's brain can apparently travel through time or something. WHATEVER.

3. I like how Byakuran is all like, "No, that can't possibly be right because only I am special." Oh Byakuran. And Yama and Dera's reactions to the whole "shackles" thing also cracked me up, because you can totally tell they're thinking, "OMG WHAT IS HE GONNA POWER UP AGAIN HOLY SHIT OUR BOSS IS SO DAMN COOL!" Fanboys.

4. ...omg what. *_* Somehow, what with all the glove upgrades Tsuna's gotten over the years, it never occurred to me that a ring upgrade might be possible too! Which it should have, because this is SO SHOUNEN it's not even funny.


OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE PRETTIES. *_* I just spent three pages in a row bouncing up and down in my seat like a little kid. The only downside to this that I can possibly see is that now I'm going to have to buy a whole new set of rings now. DAMN THIS CLEVER MARKETING.

5. "Decimo. Kick his ass for me, okay?" That's totally how I read that. What with his hand on Tsuna's shoulder and everything. Heh, I love Primo. BRING ON THAT ANIME ARC.

6. I can almost understand how Byakuran still wouldn't be worried in spite of the fact that the main character just got a huge kick-ass shounen upgrade right before his eyes, because even if he doesn't have a Millefiore Primo that can magically show up at the perfect time and make his Mare Ring shinier, he can still do this. If I could turn into a Jersey Devil dragon-hand freak, I'd be pretty confident too.


8. Wait, when did Nuts turn into the Sistema C.A.I.? And when did Tsuna learn Rasengan? That was some upgrade.

9. And now they're actually comparing power levels using percentages. XD Man, this chapter started out so awesomely and then turned into such a cliched DBZ fight-fest show-offy superhero thing. I mean, it's not that I don't like the shiny new rings or seeing Byakuran get his ass kicked; far from it. Far, far, far from it. It's just that this fight is completely old hat shounen now, and I really was hoping for something less predictable.

And maybe slightly more coherent, because did Byakuran's head just explode there, or what? XD All of a sudden violence just started happening and I don't even know what's going on anymore. THINGS ARE GETTING PUNCHED, WINGS ARE GETTING TORN OFF, THIS IS A THROWDOWN.

10. "You... you made me bleed my old blood!" Okay, lol. It's still cliched as fuck, but hey, if that's how we're doing this, I guess that's how we're doing this. And hey, if we are going old school, maybe next chapter we'll get some fanservice too.

IN OTHER NEWS, I still owe people some memes, and I will try to get those done over the weekend orz.

reborn (the series), leave your logic at the door, byakuran is a dick, we got motherfuckin primos, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, tsuna, tonight we fangirl in hell

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