And man, if there ever was a foolproof arc idea, that's gotta be it. I cannot think of a single way this could possibly go wrong. Seriously, the entire arc could be Primo and co. sitting around a table playing Texas hold 'em and it would still be the best television ever. I really, really need to catch up with the anime. XD
But this post is about the manga.
1. What can I say about
this cover, really, except that it's the single most disturbing image I've ever seen in my life, and that's including raptors, zombie hydra heads, and withered mummy husk!Bluebell/Zakuro/Ghost's head. Because none of those things were BYAKURAN RAPING ME WITH HIS EYES. While surrounded by fireworks. And being a rock god fairy princess.
I know when I mentioned I hadn't read the chapter yet, a couple of you guys were like, "Lol, Byakuran. You don't even know." But what I want to know is, why didn't you warn me? XDDD
2. --
why are they SURPRISED? "Byakuran absorbed all of Ghost's flames?? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE OMG." Fellas, this is the man who rose to power by hitting up his countless selves in PARALLEL UNIVERSES for information. This is the guy whose minions turned into dinosaur people. This is the guy who, literally right this very second, hovering in front of you with rapist eyes and princess wings. And they're shocked because he used Ghost as a proxy to absorb their flames.
And they really seem to be having a lot of trouble grasping that concept, don't they? Okay, seriously, did their collective IQs drop a whole bunch of points between this chapter and the last? XD
Yamamoto and Ryohei look practically stoned. Sob.
3. Lol, finally
someone thinks to ask about the wings. The fact that they're made from dying will flames too actually does surprise me; I guess because of the scars I'd just assumed they were real and Byakuran was just A FREAK. Now I wonder how they'll end up looking in the anime.
Also, Dino is looking incredibly odd in that middle-right panel there. That doesn't look anything like Amano's usual style; I wonder if an assistant maybe screwed up or something. It just caught my eye, because KHR is usually much more consistent, art-wise. I HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS.
I do like how Byakuran was all, "Teehee :)" when Kikyou laid the praise on thick, and then when Tsuna said it didn't matter, he got all, ":|!!" Oh, Byakuran, you and your ego.
... ...no, you know what? At this point, nothing really surprises me. Though I really don't want to think about the kinkmeme fic that will undoubtedly result from fandom having discovered this new gem. I imagine it'll be a lot like Deidara; shit gets weird when you've got an extra mouth on one of your hands. >_>
5. Whoa.
I have new respect for Nuts. Dude does not look the slightest bit fazed. And down in the lower left panel he is LITERALLY saying, "GAR!!" I wonder if Uri is secretly impressed.
And I love love love that Byakuran is actually gushing over his weapon like it's the latest thing from Apple (with 3G!). "ISN'T MY DRAGON BOX WEAPON AWESOME?" How can the same guy be so hilarious and at the same time so incredibly terrifying??
YES. GO TSUNA. Of course, Byakuran's no doubt aware of the Zero Point Breakthrough and has no doubt prepared for this, but as with last week's kicking-in-the-face, I am prepared to enjoy this to the fullest for the limited time in which I am able.
7. I realize the focus of
this page is supposed to be on Tsuna's latest and greatest big blow-uppy attack, but all I can see are Byakuran's jazz hands. XD
8. --
wait a sec. D:
D...estroyed? As in the entire box? Nuts...? D: D: D:
This is a translation thing, right? Misleading and all that? I'm just going to assume it is, and that he meant the attack was destroyed, not the whole thing. But damn, either way, just like that Byakuran is right back to being terrifying.
AHHHHGHHH I knew Byakuran is the final boss, and pretty much has to be awesome and scary and unstoppable, but still. This is pretty damn dismaying.
And this chapter was so full of big shiny action panels of Tsuna being ineffective and Byakuran being (quite literally) godmodey that I didn't even get to a tenth point. I guess if I had to do the last one, it would pretty much be something like "10. FUUUUUUUCK."
I have a bad feeling about this. But at least it can't get much worse. Clearly now is the prime moment for yet another character to pop up out of nowhere to save the day. LONGCHAMP, IT'S YOUR TIME. Kawahira can come too.