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nilly_chan January 9 2010, 10:57:49 UTC
I enjoyed reading this like the rest of your posts, because you don't exaggerate. You just state facts, and I like that. :D

"to ever successfully shounen-Jesus Gokudera."


And you excessive hate of Byakuran will forever be hilarious to me. :D

Also: I'm the kind of person who can read literally anything if done well (but I usually only look for certain pairings, any other and I'll need a rec) but I do prefer healthy relationships (with the exception of Agon/Hiruma from ES21 because it's just that funny, and my weird obsession with Byakuran->Gokudera). I mean, troubled unhealthy ones are fun once in a while, but reading too much of it is depressing. xD


makeste January 9 2010, 21:48:51 UTC
Granted, they're the facts from my very biased perspective, but I do try not to go overboard. XD Thanks. ♥

IT'S TRUE. And like I'd ever miss an opportunity to hate on Marshmallow McFairywings.

See, for me, it really depends on the character. In a lot of my other fandoms, I actually do ship relationships that aren't necessarily the healthiest around. But Gokudera in particular is a character I'm too attached to to like the thought of him being paired up with someone he doesn't get along with. He's had enough misery already, you know? XD BOY DESERVES SOMEONE WHO'LL TREAT HIM RIGHT.


nilly_chan January 9 2010, 21:57:33 UTC
What I meant is, you don't exactly go "And here in this panel, they are standing next to each other. SURELY THIS MEANS SOMETHING, Y/Y?!" xD

BAHAHA. ILU. ♥♥ Makes me wanna find and scan that one picture I never finished that was inspired by your Byakuran fic (the one where the lady got hit by the car but she didn't in another world and I think I remember a duck, but that duck might not have been there). xD

Oh, very true. WHY KICK SOMEONE WHO'S DOWN, Y/Y? But still, I can read relationships "that aren't necessarily the healthiest around" a lot without trouble, it's the soul crushingly unhealthy ones that one reads rarely. (Like Byakuran->Gokudera. XD)


makeste January 9 2010, 22:37:51 UTC
Oh yes, the "THEY'RE IN THE SAME PANEL! CLEARLY THE MANGAKA SHIPS THEM" thing. I know what you're talking about now. OH FANDOM.

I... don't think there was a duck? Unless that came up in another Byakuran-related conversation, but I don't recall. I kind of want there to a be a duck now, though. XD THE ONE THING THAT WOULD MAKE THAT SCENE EVEN CRAZIER.

Yeah, like if they argue a lot that's one thing, but if one of the characters is actively playing mind games and/or torturing the other character, that's... a little different. XD I do remember reading a Byakuran/Gokudera-ish fic once that basically was all about the mind games and torture, and it was great in a dark!fic sense, but I sure as hell couldn't ever ship it.


nilly_chan January 9 2010, 22:57:08 UTC
I've always thought that that is a special kind of idiocy. I mean... what? XD

We both know that in one of the many worlds, a duck fell out of the sky and used his special duckiness to save the woman from the car. We both know it happened. XD Haha, lookit the crap. I never managed to finish it. XD

Exactly, big difference between "They fight so much I wonder why they're still together" and "S/he fucks with her/his partner's mind so much said partner is slowly losing it". xD I think I've read that one, and yes, great dark!fic, not so shippable. xD


Sorry I took so long to replyyyy :/ makeste January 15 2010, 17:32:28 UTC
I can get the mentality behind it, because it's fangirling and that's part of the fun, but I do hope most people aren't actually taking that sort of argument seriously. THEY'RE STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THEY'RE STANDING, NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE.

Absolutely. OH BYAKURAN, THE CHAOS THAT IS YOUR LIIIIFE. SQUEEE haha I love the woman's expression and Byakuran's "oh geez god make it stop" headachey facepalm. ♥

Yeah, exactly. Interesting, yes, in that twisted sense. Shipppable... not so much.


It's okay, bb, I've been busy anyway. :P nilly_chan January 15 2010, 18:45:14 UTC

That's just how it goes. :P POOR DOLL, I FEEL SO SORRY FOR HIM. I enjoyed drawing it, even if it is really confusing and I never could finish it. xD

Glad we agree. <3


Well, okay, I feel slightly less guilty about my fail then. XD makeste January 15 2010, 19:04:06 UTC
Not to mention that at some point almost everyone has been pictured standing next to everyone else. What are we supposed to do, just ship ALL of them? ...Actually...

Yeah. Though I'd feel even sorrier if he didn't seem to get such a damn kick out of the whole evil crazy superpower megalomania thing. XD It looks like it was fun to sketch. And I sympathize with the not-finishing part, lol.


You shouldn't feel guilty at all. XD nilly_chan January 15 2010, 19:30:33 UTC
I just think it's weird, because otherwise I have to marry every person I've ever stood next to, even if it only was on the bus. xD

Yep, so would I. xD It is the curse of being me, I suck at finishing stuff.


I wouldn't if I didn't unfortunately do this sort of thing all the time. :P Ah, well. makeste January 15 2010, 19:59:38 UTC
Well, not marry them, just have awkward and questionably written kinkmeme sex with them.

He shouldn't enjoy it so much, dammit. More like the curse of being human, haha. I still haven't finished the KHR Fest fics I was supposed to do like... three or four weeks ago. XD MMM, PROCRASTINATION.


Re: I wouldn't if I didn't unfortunately do this sort of thing all the time. :P Ah, well. nilly_chan January 15 2010, 20:03:34 UTC
Hahaha! "Makeste/Guy she stood next to on the bus last Thursday - Someone walking in on them." Y/N? xDDD

I think I'd enjoy it too if I were him. XD Heck, it's almost been a year since I updated a story of mine. And I basically have it written in my head, I just can't get it down. xD


makeste January 15 2010, 20:34:57 UTC
LOL, EXACTLY. Sometimes I'm really, really glad that real life isn't quite like fandom.

I guess if you're going to be evil, you might as well be REALLY DAMN EVIL. Haha, yeah, that's what happens. I wish there was a way to just instantly translate the story in my head into text on a screen. But I guess it wouldn't be writing without the occasional writer's block. XD


nilly_chan January 15 2010, 20:47:36 UTC
If real life worked like fandom, there would be a lot more wars over the stupidest stuff. :P

Exactly, why settle for being mediocre? xD I wish I could do that too! Considering the fact that I'm walking around with at least one novel in my head, writer's blocks aren't fun. Because it means not getting any of the millions of story ideas out of there. xD


makeste January 16 2010, 23:56:48 UTC
Oh God. I don't even wanna think about it. XD

Same here. I always feel like those ideas are going to waste because I can't figure out how to do them any justice. Le sigh.


nilly_chan January 17 2010, 14:42:22 UTC
Scary thought, isn't it? XP

Indeed, it's rather sad really. Except for my VERY BAD IDEA(TM)s. I am an expert at coming up with ridiculous ideas I don't want to write, but I can't get them out of my head. XD


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