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makeste July 20 2009, 21:24:25 UTC
1. The first character I fell in love with: Reborn. Terrifying baby hitman; who could resist? Looking back, and also looking at last week's Arcobaleno cover page, I regret nothing.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Shouichi. Like Squalo and Gamma before him, I started out hating him and ended up loving him. I'm so damn fickle orz.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Fran. I like him well enough, but he's hardly a favorite.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: REST IN PEACE, GENKISHI. I'll never forget you and your Wall. ;_;
5. The character I would shag anytime: One week ago, I would have said Yamamoto without hesitation. But, well... did you see Reborn on that cover?
6. The character I'd want to be like: Now that I know he's not a villain with an insane grudge, Shouichi.
7. The character I'd slap: Kikyou.
8. A pairing that I love: 8059.
9. A pairing that I despise: Of the popular ones, Reborn/Lambo is probably my least favorite.
10. Favorite character: Gokudera. <3
11. What are my three favorite things about the fandom:
1. The awesome people.
2. The awesome fic (this ease with which one can find good fic in this fandom amazes me compared to some of my previous fandoms).
3. The awesome cosplay.
12. What are my three least favorite things about the fandom:
1. Lack of plot discussion as opposed to pairing discussion (though there's still plenty of good character discussion, at least).
2. Not enough het (KYOKO AND HARU EXIST DAMN IT!1).
3. ...I can't think of a third thing, actually. God I love this fandom.
13. Who are my three favorite characters: Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Tsuna (lol such a main character bias).
14. Who are my three least favorite characters: M.M., Birds, and let's go with... Glo Xinia for third. (What the hell happened to him, anyway?)
15. What are my three favorite pairings: 8059, 5986, and S80.
16. What are my three least favorite pairings: Hmm... Reborn/Lambo as mentioned above, Mukuro/Lancia, and Byakuran/Mukuro? Just not really my cup of tea.
17. Which character I am most like: I've been told Gokudera, which I can't complain about.
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret: Can't think of anything.


dame_batsie July 20 2009, 23:45:01 UTC
The first character I fell in love with: Reborn.
Now that's kinda different. Many people would say Hibari or one of the other main Vongola lads. XD

I totally loved Shou-chan the first time I saw him. I actually prefer his younger, socially awkward self.

I'd shag all the KNOWN male Arcobalenos. *__*

Last we heard of Glo Xinia, I think, he was in the hospital, mentally gloating over how he pinpointed the Vongola base. Did Byakuran use his Jesus powers and heal him? WHO KNOWS?

10069 is pretty to look at, but I find it difficult to get into the heads of mindfuckers.


makeste July 21 2009, 00:04:10 UTC
Lol, well, I actually started reading the series because of Reborn, so the other Vongola didn't get a chance. The idea of a crazy abusive one-year-old training a teenager to become a mob boss was just too awesome. Once I read up to Gokudera's introduction, it immediately became all about him, though. :P

Shou was cute enough during his intro chapter, but because he was just a side-character at the time, he didn't register much for me beyond that. And then when I got to the future arc and found out he was responsible for all these terrible things that were going on, it took quite a while for me to warm up to him again. XD

Well, but I was only allowed to pick one!

Yeah, I don't think we've seen him since his sort-of hilarious struggle to convey the location of the Vongola base to Irie. Then he dropped off the face of the earth. BUT GOOD RIDDANCE, I SAY.

And yeah, exactly; there'd just be too much mindfuckery going on for me to really get into it. XD


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