Apr 11, 2008 04:32

morphaileffect did a list of the Vongola guardians' Myers-Briggs types, and that reminded me that a while back, whilst I was busying myself by being an EPIC NERD, I picked enneagram types for some of the cast. So WHY NOT ANOTHER LIST.

Just Tsuna + guardians for now.

Tsuna - Nine

[When healthy] "Deeply receptive, accepting, unselfconscious, emotionally stable and serene. Trusting of self and others, at ease with self and life, innocent and simple. Patient, unpretentious, good-natured, genuinely nice people. Optimistic, reassuring, supportive: have a healing and calming influence - harmonizing groups, bringing people together: a good mediator, synthesizer, and communicator."

[When average] "Fear conflicts, so become self-effacing and accommodating, idealizing others and "going along" with their wishes, saying "yes" to things they do not really want to do. Fall into conventional roles and expectations. Use philosophies and stock sayings to deflect others. Active, but disengaged, unreflective, and inattentive. Do not want to be affected, so become unresponsive and complacent, walking away from problems, and "sweeping them under the rug."

"Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them."

Gokudera - Six

"Sixes often feel some sort of uncertainty regarding their interactions with their parents. Often they may have received mixed signals from one or both parents, which may have provided a source of confusion regarding how to be secure in the world. As a result, they can take one of two approaches to manage themselves throughout life. They may try to bond or attach to someone older (or in authority) in order to feel safe. Alternatively, they can also try to survive by warily defending against any outside threats to their safety and security."

"When healthier they tend to be very analytical and thorough in all their endeavors. They are very capable at foreseeing any potential problems and loopholes that may exist and are extremely skilled at detecting whether the intentions of others are genuine and sincere or may have ulterior motives. They can be extremely loyal and steadfast and will not hesitate to stand up and defend any causes or people they genuinely believe in, even if such a stance is relatively unpopular.

"When in a more average psychological state they may begin to feel mistrustful and skeptical of those around them. They may question the motives of others (even when the intentions of another person might be benign). Typically their fear is applied more to the outer world and they may feel a larger need to be mistrustful of others while also believing that they will have to "gut out" their way through life alone (or perhaps with a few tight-knit relationships). They can be extremely independent and serious."

Yamamoto - Three

"When Threes are healthy they will strive to develop themselves in order to become the best they can be and are often well-liked and successful in whatever field they choose. When healthy they will also tend to be motivated to help other people to become successful."

"Threes learn early on in life to be goal-oriented and in an unhealthy state can seek admiration for their actions. They aim for success because they are afraid of becoming a "nobody" with no value. The downside for Threes is that thay can become so focused on outward success that they lose touch with who they really are."

"When psychologically healthy the tend to be helpful and kind like Twos but are also focused on personal achievement."

"Experiencing setbacks can be devastating to Threes. During these times, their emptiness and rage can break through. It can also be a time for them to work out what they really want and to value themselves from within through self esteem. Often only a complete burnout will lead them to develop themselves rather than their outward success and image that they naturally and often unconsciously fixate on." lol Yama your suicide attempt actually makes some kind of sense XD

Lambo - Four

"From a very early age Fours felt singled out by others. They see the various personal qualities others have that are not given to them, which causes them to focus on absence, on differences and on personal alienation. They are the gray ducklings poked fun of by their bright-feathered peers and abandoned by their parents. They are the orphans and outcasts."

"When more average they can be provocative and attention-grabbing."

"They can have problems with vanity and self-indulgence, and can resemble sevens in their love of luxury and pleasure."

"Some have a reckless streak, taking risks and playing with fate as a means to intensify their feelings. Others, while less adventurous, nonetheless fantasize to be consumed in some forms of risky affairs." obviously he is the latter XD

Ryohei - Eight

"Eights feel the need to protect themselves and be in control of their own life and destiny. They will often act willfully, feeling a need to dominating their environments for this reason. They are generally self-confident, decisive and assertive (as they like to know where they stand with people). Their self-confidence, decisiveness and assertiveness can be seen as a form of agression by other personalities. They expect everyone to have common sense and will generally ostracise those that do not.

"With this in mind they can be too strong-willed, aggressive and dominating. Eights will admire strength and will always find they need to be strong and in control to feel pleasure and success."

"They are adventurous and risk-taking. They are sociable, talkative and outgoing. Pragmatic, practical and competitive, they are not overly concerned with what they perceive as weakness or inefficiency. They can become impatient, impulsive and are more likely to be led by their feelings than other Eights. More openly aggressive and confrontational, they are less likely to back down from a fight."

Hibari - Five fuck you Hibari you were really hard to decide

"Fives are motivated by the need to know and understand everything, to be self-sufficient, and to avoid looking foolish."

"When persons of this subtype become unhealthy, they usually exhibit some degree of schizoid neurosis. They seem not to desire or enjoy close relationships, including being part of a family. They almost always choose solitary activities. They rarely, if ever, claim or appear to experience strong emotions, such as anger and joy. They indicate little if any desire to have sexual experiences with another person. They seem indifferent to the pains and criticism of others. They usually have no close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives. And they usually display a constricted affect; for example, they are aloof, cold, and rarely reciprocate gestures or facial expressions such as smiles or nods."

Mukuro - One

"Ones are people who are motivated to improve their environments and overcome moral adversity in order to make the world a better place." apparently, sometimes through really drastic measures XD

"When Ones with a dominant Nine wing are psychologically healthy they are often scholarly and reclusive. They may be viewed by others as kind, generous and considerate. They are often intellectuals and are devoted to their principles.

"In more average psychological health they tend to also be reclusive but may become elitist and condescending to people they consider "less" than themselves.

"When in unhealthy psychological states they may cut themselves off from their emotions and contradictions. They may also resist opinions contrary to their own and have no compassion for others. They may become obsessed with the wrongdoings of others and try to rectify them while ignoring contradictions in their own behavior. They may not have an understanding of the harm they inflict on others."


It's also really fun to scroll down the list and look at the relationships between types. (I'm particularly amused by the "stress" and "security" points for type six. XD)

epic geekery, reborn (the series), character rant, essay

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