IN MY FAIL I forgot to say this in my last post, but welcome,
mind_tied! I hope we can have many more enjoyable convos about icons and fandom things and whatever else in the future. ♥
Anyway, it's Friday and MEMES ARE CALLING TO ME so I ganked this from
Name a character (or characters) from one of
my fandoms and I'll give you:
(a) three facts about them from my personal canon
(b) a reason he/she sucks
(c) a reason he/she is awesome
(d) five things that never happened to that character and/or
(e) five people that character never fell in love with and why
This meme encourages rambling about fandom and characters! IT IS RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS. |D
ETA: lol this is fun but WAY more exhausting/time-consuming than I anticipated, so I will get to the rest IN A LITTLE WHILE. sob, it's my own fault for starting with Gokudera.
ETA 2: Okay, I'm finally making some headway now! Six down, four to go. ...or not. XD