Jul 17, 2008 00:13

These spoilers are pretty spartan when it comes to details, but I'm too impatient to wait for something more descriptive before I commence flailing about idiotically.

>>Reborn and friends talk about a time machine.<<


Actually, isn't the TYL!bazooka a time machine in the simplest sense? So this isn't really anything new. What I am excited about is that if there really is A TIME MACHINE!1, that could be what Byakuran's hypothetical henchman used to go back in time and nail everyone with the bazooka. WE CAN HAS POTENTIAL CANON SUPPORT in addition to premature conclusion-jumping!

>>Lal tries to help Yamamoto but fails.<<

lol I forgot she was there. XDDDDD

I'm a little disappointed that she tries and fails, though. I mean, it's all well and good that she handed fake!Ginger's ass to him earlier, and that we've got Chrome currently kicking ass near Gokudera's whereabouts, but I still want more of the Reborn girls doing cool stuff. (Though Iris counts, I suppose.)

>>Genkishi is about to finish off Yamamoto...<<

THERE IT IS, I am proven wrong as expected, but IT WAS A NICE THEORY WE HAD GOING THERE, ONCE.

>>...but stops, the wall breaks and Hibari makes his flashy appearance.<<

HIBARI. OH SNAP SON THIS FIGHT JUST GOT MUCH, MUCH SHORTER. >D Also, will he ever make a surprise appearance that doesn't involve saving either Yamamoto's or Gokudera's hides? NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING, but I do think it's awesome and hilarious.

...So, between A TIME MACHINE!1 and the much-anticipated arrival of the Guardian of Ass-Kicking (a.k.a. the Namimori Antichrist, a.k.a. Fluffy the Cloud Guardian), this is sounding pretty exciting. 8D

namimori antichrist, reborn (the series), the plot thickens, yay new chapter

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