Some rambling on KHR 201.

Jul 12, 2008 17:07

The RAW and translation are out at Mangahelpers. Damn good chapter this week. Of course, I think that every week, but EVEN SO IT'S STILL TRUE.

1. Okay, maybe I'm just IN DENIAL about Yamamoto losing his fight, but damn it, I've been suspicious about this whole Genkishi thing for a while now. IS HE REALLY A TRAITOR somehow I'm starting to have my doubts! A few weeks ago harmonianspy made a post talking about Uni's motives and such, and in it she pointed out two very interesting facts: a) UNI CAN READ YOUR MIIIIIND, and b) so if Genkishi is really a lying liar who lies then she should have known about it. However, she doesn't do anything to call him on it, and in fact his injuries are what prompt her to go talk with the Millefiore.

And now in this chapter, we have the following:

Irie: Genkishi is Byakuran-san's confidant…
He's a very powerful man.

HMMMMM. So apparently Genkishi's betrayal of the Giglionero gained him Byakuran's trust to the point where Byakuran actually confides in him. INTERESTING.

So my lulzy new theory is this: Genkishi is in fact still loyal to the Giglionero, and is secretly conspiring with Uni to take Byakuran down. KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE, BYAKURAN. And if this is really the case, then since Uni passed along that message to Gamma, that should mean THE TIME TO STRIKE IS NIGH.

As for what this all means for Yamamoto, well for one, it means I don't trust the image that's currently being broadcast on Shou's screen. Genkishi is an illusionist, after all, and I hear illusions these days are so good they can even fool cameras.

(tl;dr but I have to say it now because next week I'll be hilariously PROVEN WRONG and we'll have to forget this ever happened.)

2. Way to break my heart, Gamma and Uni. "I love you. Just like my mother did." Taking that as a BEAUTIFUL FATHER/DAUGHTER-Y LOVE THAT IS IN NO WAY PEDOPHILIAC, I curse this tragic Giglionero backstory and the way it hits me in the very depths of my soul and makes me feeeeeeeel. :(

3. I think I pretty much covered this two days ago, but to reiterate: RIGHT HAND MAAAAANNNNN. "To be honest, I've revised my opinion of you." DAMN RIGHT GAMMA, HE'S THE STORM GUARDIAN, BETTER RESPECT.

4. Also, I think Shounen Retard is contagious, because Yamamoto running into a wall last week may have been funny, but Gamma and Gokudera this week were HILARIOUS.

Gokudera: Uwaaaaa!!
Gamma: Gwaaaaahh!!


Irie: They struck each other huh…
How foolish.

AND HOW. Seriously, that was epic. No wonder Genkishi thought you were too dumb to let in on the plan, Gamma.

5. CHROME~ LAMBO~ I-PIN~ KUSAKABE~. Chrome is amazing. I hope she has a fight without Mukuro helping her, I really do; not that Mukuro isn't all well and good, but I think her appearance here shows she's pretty capable all on her own. KICK SOME ASS, CHROME.

Also, Lambo. I love him so much. I love that he and I-PIN are RIDING IN A BACKPACK. I love that he has SNOT RUNNING FROM HIS NOSE and PROBABLY GETTING STUCK in KUSAKABE'S HAIR sob. Also, "You are one of the Guardians, after all." SO HE IS. I hope he gets to do cool stuff too. XD Needs moar cow.

... *touches chapter*

reborn (the series), gokudera, the plot thickens, yay new chapter

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