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makeste July 3 2011, 15:06:18 UTC
Yes, but Daemon Spade is precisely the reason why I'd have thought they would think twice before making a deal like this to begin with. They are fully aware there is a guy out there obsessively dedicated to causing a rift between their two families, so they decide sure, why not, if that ever does happen let's implement this long and torturous one-memory-at-a-time process so that our descendants can painstakingly find out that they were wrong and their ancestors were bros all along, and realize the error of their ways long after some of them have already been imprisoned or even killed? I mean, Bermuda explicitly says that they will imprison the losers of each battle until they die, and Giotto just shrugs and says it's fine, as long as they get the memories of what really went down beforehand.

Basically the only bone they do toss to the Tenth gen is that if they do honor the oath afterward, "their wills will become one and our flames will burn." Which is all well and good for whichever kids are still unimprisoned at that point, I suppose. But it was Tsuna and Enma who worked out a deal for the Vindice to let the rest of their families free, and they only managed that because the Vindice were desperate after Spade got loose. If it hadn't been for that, they'd have been on their own, and even if they did manage to break the others out of prison, they'd have spent the rest of their lives on the run.

So while it's clear Giotto and Cozart's intentions weren't bad, at least, it still seems to me that they couldn't have been more "shucks, oh well" about the whole thing in general. Not just with this, but with their decision to let Spade get away scott-free while they just ran away and let him do as he pleased. IIRC, Cozart's reasoning was something like "there would be too much sacrifice involved" if they did try to stop him, which seems kind of insane given that what happened instead was that they let him corrupt the Vongola family for nine generations, while the Simon family grew weaker and weaker, and eventually Spade came back to try and finish them off anyway, killing Enma's entire family in the process, and holy shit.

So basically the reason why I'm so all-capsy about this whole thing is that it seems that Giotto and Cozart's favorite method of dealing with things was to just sit back and take NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER for the shitstorm that they helped to cause, and basically let the entire burden fall on Tsuna and Enma's shoulders instead, and let insane groups like the Vindice do whatever the fuck they pleased because mafia law, man, who can argue with that, anyway? And it is just mind-boggling to me that this entire arc happened just because Giotto and Cozart escaped from Spade once and decided to just shrug and call it a day afterward.

SORRY FOR THE SUPER-LONG RANT, I'm just trying to make sense out of this whole thing myself, and just... failing miserably, I guess. XDDD


elanor_pam July 3 2011, 17:28:12 UTC
But from my understanding, according to Giotto and Cozart's conditions, when they called the battle off the prisoners would be freed as well, no? Or did I make this up? It's been a few days since I read this chapter.

I'm willing to wait until Daemon Spade's defeated and Julie's piece of memory is available before making judgements. Maybe Giotto and Cozart put some other things in motion, I dunno.


makeste July 3 2011, 18:01:38 UTC
If they had thrown that in that would have redeemed a large part of what's been driving me crazy about the flashbacks, but unless this translation is wrong, they made no mention of that whatsoever. Giotto said "that's fine" and Cozart said "but if they return to their true friendship and honor this oath, their wills will become one and our flames will burn." Nothing at all about freeing the prisoners. (And if they had thrown in that condition, you'd think the Vindice would have held off on hauling the losers off to be locked up until after all seven battles were completed, just to be sure.)

And I thought this was the last memory, though? I thought there were only seven keys, and the last memory just got released early for dramatic effect? ...then again, did they ever mention how many keys there were? Maybe I'm making things up now. XD


elanor_pam July 3 2011, 19:14:44 UTC
Eh, maybe I just made an assumption. Maybe it's mangastream's translation. I dunno, I'm just going to make it my personal canon if we don't get any more of an explanation.

From my understanding, the triggering of memories had to take place after the defeat of each guardian. Julie was never technically defeated; Daemon Spade is taking his place. So, by this logic, there's one last memory to be triggered in the event of his defeat, and the current one was a bonus caused by the ring-mating.

Ooooooor maybe I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass. I have a headache.


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