Apr 02, 2011 17:01

KHR, old chum, how I've missed you!

1. At last, the moment we've all been waiting for! Tsuna's Cambio Forma! For two weeks we have waited in suspense! Finally we'll see what new bling our fashionable young boss will be rocking this time!



Set them to the d-pad and equip with C! Use them to make black holes your bitch!

Well, they may not be finger-half gloves, but damned if they aren't shiny.

2. Action panels! PREPARE YOURSELF, ENMA.

Look out, Tsuna, he's armed himself with talking gravity balls! "SHINE." Baby's first words! ♥ ♥

Quickly followed by "I don't want to be alone." So not just gravity balls, but needy, emo gravity balls! TSUNA, YOU'D BETTER STEEL YOURSELF, THIS IS GOING TO TAKE EVERY OUNCE OF YOUR CONSIDERABLE JESUS POWERS.

3. So can Tsuna's new gloves read minds or something (and now I just pictured them slipping from their focus on Enma for a moment and picking up a residual "OMG BOSS IS SO COOL *_*" from his adoring subordinates off in the corner XD), or is the fully powered-up Simon ring projecting Enma's SADNESS all around the room for all to feel (I imagine this is something like how Longchamp would be if he ever went into Hyper Mode), or is Tsuna just that gay for his Eeyoreish rival over here?

Either way, despite my loling around making irreverent remarks, this is actually making me really sad. ;_; ENMAAAA baby hang in there it's gonna be all right. TSUNA SAID SO WITH A REFRESHING FACE SO IT MUST BE TRUE.

4. Damn, I've never seen Tsuna so motivated. He's getting all up in Enma's face like a tough but well-meaning fitness coach in a Lifetime special or Disney Channel original movie. "Enma! *SLAM* IT'S ME! OPEN YOUR EYEEEEES."

And then we have a marvelous bitchslap, which is then followed by the most shounen words (in context, anyway) that Tsuna has ever uttered: "Is it not working?" OH MY GOD, PUNCHING DIDN'T WORK? WELL, SNAP, I AM ALL FRESH OUT OF IDEAS.

5. I know this is a traumatic and also tragically hilarious page of Tsuna getting squashed by falling rocks a la Wile E. Coyote, but for some reason all I can see in that top panel is that the back of Enma's throne looks like boobs. >_>

6. Oh! Such tenacity even whilst getting his spine rearranged! What an aggressive Jesusing strategy! Tsuna, this is why you are the master and we are all just awed spectators watching you go to work. But will this gamble pay off?

Yes! Yes, it will! With a flashback that seems custom designed to remind us all that while Giotto has had some pretty damn gay flashbacks, they will look like absolutely nothing once the day comes for Tsuna to throw together his own eclectic collection of random flashback memory objects to pass on to the Vongola Eleventh.

Hear his cries, young Enma! Hear his cries!

7. I really like this page, but part of me would have liked it even more if Enma's realization that Giotto never betrayed Cozart was followed up with an "oh, whoops" or something. XD

ALSO! Can I just say--is this the sparkliest page ever in the history of Reborn, or is this the sparkliest page ever in the history of Reborn? OH, YOU CRAZY KIDS. YOU MADE IT AFTER ALL. I SO BADLY WANTED YOU TO KISS ON THIS PAGE IT WAS RIDICULOUS. Like, to the point where I am half-convinced you actually DID and it was just off-screen or something. (IT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY LAMBO IS BLUSHING!)

No, but I'm sure they're just very good friends, really.

8. Anyway, I can see it's time for me to stop being a dumb fangirl and try to focus again. Poor Enma. T_T Though maybe he can take comfort in the fact that regardless of the circumstances, the phrase "I can't control my own power anymore" has got to make him secretly feel at least a little bit badass.

At least until he started falling in his own black hole. XD (Also, no, Amano, black holes are not magnetic. It's cute though that you are just totally making up your own rules at this point and SCREW REAL SCIENCE, WHO NEEDS IT ANYWAY.)

9. "MORE THAN THE X BURNER?! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I like how Gokudera and Yamamoto are kind enough to give Reborn such satisfying "WHAT NO WAY!" reactions whenever he gives them a dramatic build up like this. They are adorable.

10. Case in point. XD

Well, Tsuna, I'm sure your new two-handed X Burner is going to be totally fucking badass regardless, but you can rest easy knowing that even if it isn't, your fanclub will be thoroughly awed and blown away regardless. One of these days I keep expecting Gokudera to whip out a camcorder and start filming Tsuna's battles like Tomoyo in CCS. Shitt P. can even provide the costumes. It'll be fabulous.

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL MY MARCH BIFFLES, ranty_rie, downpours, erisabesu, and doomcake, as well as spaceremix tomorrow! BUON COMPLEANNO MY DUDES. ♥

happiness, reborn (the series), tsuna, tonight we fangirl in hell, leave your logic at the door, domo arigato mr kozato, yay new chapter

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