KHR 3255555555

Feb 10, 2011 22:41

That's actually a typo up there, I don't want to mislead anyone. It's not actually chapter three billion two hundred fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand five hundred and fifty five. It's just 325.

I got a little excited, is all.



Also, don't anyone think that I'm at all distracted from my blinding rage toward him or anything, but MY GOD, LOOK AT THAT BULGE. Kaoru, what the hell, man! Leave something to the doujinshi artists' imaginations!

2. I know everyone's shocked to see such an incredibly graphic and violent assault out of the blue like that, but damn, they don't have to look quite that horrified. This is the guy who is the reason why Cozart got slaughtered and why Ryohei and most of the tenth-gen Simon family are currently floating in fishtanks. On top of that, he's the reason why this exact same thing happened to POOR INNOCENT YAMAMOTO, and to top it all off, he caused Tsuna and Enma to break up just when those two crazy kids were starting to make it work. THAT BASTARD.

--OH OH OH! Spade let it slip that Kaoru was the one who took out Yamamoto oh this is going to be good hopefully! Look how shocked they are at this revelation, oh my god PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIVES YOU GUYS. XD

And Kaoru, man I have no sympathy for you whatsoever no matter how sorry you look. If you regret being manipulated to nearly kill your friend who trusted you, well, then, MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE NEARLY KILLED YOUR FRIEND WHO TRUSTED YOU. Self control! HAS ANYONE IN THIS MANGA EVEN HEARD OF IT. Get a stress ball!

3. ... :o

Well, now, on the whole I don't really know how to feel about this. On the one hand, poetic justice! On the other hand, for all that I dearly desired to punch him in those massive gonads, I never actually wished an impaling on the guy. It wouldn't be the shounen way, you know? Yamamoto wouldn't want that. :(

CURSE YOU DAEMON SPAAAAADE. And poor Tsuna looks like he's just about ready to fall into another catatonic spell and just never wake up again this time.

4. Shit, he has his own mist powers and (I'm assuming) Julie's desert (CAN HE DO THAT GAARA SAND CRUSHING THING??) powers? I should have seen this coming, given that his possession ability seems to be exactly the same as Mukuro's.

And oh, Hibari, since when have you ever come close to beating a mist type? But I have to admit, it's certainly not for lack of trying. XD

5. DAMN IT CHROME WHY CAN'T YOU DO AWESOME THINGS WHEN YOUR ACTIONS AREN'T BEING CONTROLLED BY THE MAIN VILLAIN. On the other hand, I should stop being such a negative nancy and be grateful for the fact that regardless of the circumstances, she is being completely fucking awesome right now. LOOK AT THAT! SHE TRAPPED THEM ALL IN A MIST BARRIER! YOU GO, CHROME. YOU TAKE THEM TO SCHOOL!

6. Spade sure is easily susceptible to that timeless villain blunder, "telling your enemies every last detail of your wildly ambitious evil plan long before you've even come close to defeating them." You just wait, D., your time is coming, and sooner or later you will be kicking yourself so hard when you look back on this.

And I don't know why they're all so fixated on the details of how he's going to bust Mukuro out of his snowglobe prison when he just explained to them how he painstakingly manipulated pretty much EVERY SINGLE EVENT THAT LED THEIR LIVES TO THIS MOMENT. I sure wouldn't put anything past him at this point. But Hibari is not going to take chances either way, it seems! How's the weather over there in your adorable world of denial where a guy you've never beaten is still your prey, Kyoya? Never lose faith, champ!

7. Well, we all knew it was a matter of time before Spade starting putting his hostages to good use. The man knows how to do some villain things right, it seems. Boy if only the Vongola had a spare guardian who wasn't currently trapped in the mist barrier and was free to attack! THAT WOULD SURE BE A WELCOME TWIST OF EVENTS.

8. Duuuuuuude ffff Kaoru's not looking too hot. 8| This shit is going to be so censored once KHR Shippuuden finally comes out, I am almost going to crack up while watching it.

More importantly, though, Dera is making "GRRRR HE NEARLY KILLED MY BFF THAT FUCKER DESERVES IT" faces and oh my god, am I really so deprived of 8059 that I will have a wild fangirl moment at even the slightest hint of a mention of a hint these days? APPARENTLY SO!





\(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

Regardless of whether or not you were spoiled (I actually wasn't!), I think we all saw this coming, but HOT DAMN IF I GIVE A SHIT, BECAUSE




Also I may or may not have teared up like whoa (BUT I'M IN GOOD COMPANY! T_T) but that's neither here nor there I'M JUST IN A HIGHLY VOLATILE EMOTIONAL STATE RIGHT NOW THAT'S ALL oh god I am just SO FULL OF ADRENALINE!! AND FEELINGS!! and and and and! !!!

Just for this week. Just this one time, in honor of this day which shall be long remembered.

Yamamoto, I'm gonna cheat on Gokudera and let you be my favorite.

happiness, reborn (the series), terrible things are happening, yamamoto, hoodlum mctraitorousswine, we got motherfuckin primos, yay new chapter, namimori antichrist, chrome, tonight we fangirl in hell, amano has mastered the art of timing, gokudera

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