Dec 11, 2010 20:19
reborn (the series),
terrible things are happening,
hipster mcnametwin,
domo arigato mr kozato,
we got motherfuckin primos,
the plot thickens,
yay new chapter,
makeste is not reliable,
tonight we fangirl in hell,
boobs mcawesome,
character rant
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And yeah, my emotions have definitely been taken a metaphorical beating. I OPEN MY HEART TO A MANGA, LEAVE MYSELF VULNERABLE, AND WHAT DO I GET? *sobs*
And yeah, it really kills me that this entire thing was orchestrated by this one superdickish guy. I'm not sure whether that's better or worse than it just being a misunderstanding. On the one hand, it makes me want to smack my forehead a little bit less (it's a small comfort to know that even if Tsuna had gotten the letter and met Enma at the abandoned plot lot, Spade would most likely have figured out some other way to turn the two of them against each other), but on the other, I now have a target to direct my rage at and I am finding that I have a lot of it! Spade had better get his, that's all I'm gonna say.
And yeah, that scene with Spade and Chrome is just... ... Haha, and I completely forgot that she was using the ring to help generate the illusions. /memory fail XD I hope she does try and fight him off somehow, though. The one thing I did like about her in this chapter was how she told him off and said she didn't need his illusions even knowing full well that she might die if he stopped. Chrome doesn't shout at people often and Julie/Spade dearly needs to be shouted at much, much more, so that at least was something that briefly made me happy.
And I agree about Tsuna and the way Amano seems to be steering his development in this arc. I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes.
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