It's everyone's favorite new bandwagon!

Feb 12, 2008 03:01

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them~.

There's a little bit of 8059 here and there. No other pairings, just a bunch of gen and Gokudera.


U2 - In A Little While

When he’s around the Tenth, he can’t help but feel optimistic. Nothing seems impossible, nothing seems beyond reach. Whatever happens, no matter what, they’ll beat it.

It’s strange, this sort of giddy, invincible feeling. For someone like Gokudera, who’s spent his entire life doubting himself and the world, to feel so sure of something now is like walking on solid ground for the first time.

Reborn OST 2 - Medetashi x 2

Sometimes Reborn can be a sneaky bastard.

Snow Patrol - Signal Fire

Gokudera was adrift before he found the Tenth. He’d become so used to treading water, so accustomed to the constant struggle to stay afloat, that he never realized just how weary he was of it all before Tsuna threw him that lifeline.

That’s why, come what may, he’ll follow him anywhere. Because he owes him everything. Without the Tenth, he’d still be out there, alone.

Tsuna saved his life.

Incubus - A Kiss To Send Us Off

The kiss comes out of nowhere, amidst fire and smoke and murder and chaos. And all Gokudera can do afterwards is stare back, in total shock.

“…What the hell was that for?” he stumbles at last.

The baseball idiot just smiles that easy smile of his, even as a wall crumbles and gunfire rains down around them.

“For good luck.”

Breaking Benjamin - Unknown Soldier

To Yamamoto, no matter how brutal or ruthless they may be, his enemies are still people.

He always makes a point of finding out their names, either before they fight or after, if they refuse. Sometimes it takes hours, even days of searching and questioning, but he always finds them in the end. Everyone leaves behind names, histories. People who knew and cared.

It’s strange, he thinks sometimes, that he was once so naïve that he thought it was a game.

*NSYNC - Somewhere Someday

The world is never as beautiful as when you look at it like it’s the last time. It’s so strange, how almost dying can change one’s perspective in such a powerful way. Tsuna watches the sun rise and thinks that he never truly saw the morning sky before he met Reborn and the rest of his friends-before he had things to appreciate.

He’s thankful. Even when it’s difficult, even when it’s painful, he’s grateful to know what it means to live with a dying will.

Linkin Park - Lying From You

There’s a part of himself that Gokudera will always hate. A part he can never forgive.

It kills him to know he’s the reason why his own mother was murdered. To share the same blood as the person that did it. For what feels like his entire life, he’s tried desperately to run from it, to distance himself from the truth any way that he can.

But even with an entire continent separating himself and his father, somehow it never feels like enough.

The Village OST - Noah Visits

It’s early morning, and they’re lying together in the same bed, sharing the same silence. One doesn’t speak because nothing he can say can make things better; the other is afraid that if he tries, the last thread of dignity that he’s desperately clinging to will come undone.

It’s a different world out there today. Their most precious person is gone, and something’s been shattered, and neither realized just how much it was holding them together until it was taken away.

Death Note OST - Death Note Theme

Sometimes Yamamoto feels like he’s in a videogame. He can almost hear his own battle theme music as he fights.

One day, after executing a perfect sword combo while training, he can’t help himself.

“Hey,” he turns to grin at Gokudera, “didn’t that look really badass just now?”

The Italian just rolls his eyes and continues smoking his cigarette.

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away

From the very start, Reborn had no doubt that they would win. Tsuna was the rightful successor, after all, and his family were the rightful guardians. So it was only natural that failure would not be an option.

And so he waited and watched by the sidelines, as night after night, one after another, they fought and discovered what he had known all along: that they were strong.

reborn (the series), tsuna, yamamoto, fic, gokudera, 8059, meme

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