Title: Bourbon Loosens The Tongue
brookeormianRating: PG
Pairing(s): Charlie/Olivia
Warnings/Spoilers: None, pre-series.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nada. Zip.
Summary: A long week, too much whisky and a cold winter's eve in Boston. My imaginings of a moment in Charlie and Olivia's pre-series relationship.
It had been a long week... )
This is so gorgeously written. Haha, now everytime he says Livvy, this is all I can think of. I'm not a P/O shipper since I go for P/A, but I'm big on C/O. Sometimes I wish there'd be a few more fans in that area so I won't have to *only* read P/O fics. It's all I see in fandom everywhere.
I hope you write more of them :D
I'm shamelessly hoping for more Livy just because it about makes me die from the cute. I've only spotted it once so far though :(
Thank you so much for the lovely comment, hee :D I just wish I had ideas more often to write from, I've been struggling with inspiration! (Note to self: check out some of the prompts over at the Porn Battle, because there were plenty there. Might jog some brain cells!)
And yeah, reason for P/A being mentioned so often now is because of one particular secret I think. After that, someone created a community where we all joined XD I'm just waiting for a Charlie or C/O comm now. Buahahah!
I notice you're a Ned/Olive fan, too <3 PROPS! *high-five*
I have a feeling we'll get a lot of Livvys in the future :D
Hee, I've toyed with the idea of creating a C/O community but my last one was (a good few years back) such an abject failure that I'm worried about being a curse on comms!
N/O all the way baby! I'm really excited for and yet completely dreading the last few episodes... whenever they appear.
I am so glad no one saw that.
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