(no subject)

Aug 07, 2008 18:39

I read this in the Evening Standard on the way home tonight, but don't have a scanner, so I transcribed it for you, humble flist.

Slings and arrows of the sci-fi stars - Nick Curtis, The Hamlet Diaries.


Act 1, Scene II

Claudius (Patrick Stewart): Though yet of James T Kirk our dear brother’s death the memory be green, we - Jean-Luc Piclaudius - have declared ourselves captain of the Starship Elsinore. Our mission? To boldly go... or not to boldly go. That is the question.

Hamlet (David Tennant): Oh that this too, too, solid flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a serious actor. I shall perchance see fit to put an antic disposition on. A bit like Tom Baker.

Gertrude (Lis Sladen): Hamlet’s acting very strangely. You could say the Time Lord is out of joint.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson): Let us pluck out the heart of his mystery! The truth is in there.

Polonius (Leonard Nimoy): No, it would be more logical to send my daughter Ophelia to him.

Claudius: Make it so!

Act 2, Scene III

Hamlet: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... it’s all much the same if you’ve got a

Ophelia (Billie Piper): Doctor! I mean, my noble lord Hamlet! ...

Hamlet: Frailty, thy name is woman! Get thee to a nunnery. Or to Gallifrey. Or to Secret Diary of a Call Girl! (Exits)

Ophelia: Oh, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown. It’s almost as if the polarity of his neutron flow has been reversed. (Exits, weeping)

Act 3, Scene IV

Hamlet approaches Claudius praying.

Hamlet: Is this a sonic screwdriver I see before me? Now might I do it pat. But first I must stop the Daleks from activating the dimension portal on Skaro. I’ll get him later. (Exits)

Claudius (getting up): My words are beamed up to heaven, my thoughts remain below. I fear I won’t live long. Or prosper.

Act 4, Scene I

Hamlet confronts Gertrude in her bedchamber, where Polonius is hiding.

Gertrude: Doctor, I mean Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.

Polonius: That is not logical.

Hamlet: Who’s there? (He zaps Polonius with his sonic screwdriver.)

Gertrude: Corks, that’s torn it!

Act 5, Scene I

Enter Laertes and Claudius, followed by Gertrude, Hamlet, Horatio, etc.

Claudius: I want Hamlet dead. Make it so.

Laertes (John Simm): I’ll show him who’s the Master.

He and Hamlet mortally wound each other with sonic screwdrivers, Gertrude and Claudius drink poison.

Claudius: Aaagh, I’m an ex-man. (Dies).

Hamlet: The rest is silence. Until I regenerate. (Dies).

Horatio (John Barrowman): Now cracks a noble heart. Or two.

Fortinbras arrives.

Fortinbras (Davros): Elsinore now belongs to the Daleks! Resistance is useless! Go, bid the soldiers exterminate! Exterminate!!!



Can I just say that I would totally go see this?

actor - john barrowman, actress - elisabeth sladen, tv - doctor who, actress - billie piper, actor - david tennant

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