(no subject)

Dec 26, 2007 09:39

So, here is my once-a-year, lone fannish fanfiction offering. I know hardly anyone watches Robin Hood - heck, I don't, there's a conundrum! - but someone may want to read it!

Title: Matters of Etiquette
Author: brookeormian
Beta: elven_sg1
Fandom/Pairing: Robin Hood: Guy/Marian
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: This is AU to an extent. There are some parts based on events in the series, but a lot of this wouldn't be on screen, even if I wish it was!
Secret Santa Requested: Guy/Marian, angst/drama with a happy ending, maybe some implied Marian/Djaq.

Marian drifted aimlessly around the castle grounds, her destination unknown, but her steps were light and her countenance happy. She smiled at the people around her as she passed through the marketplace, heading back up to the castle. Passing through a side door and into a dimmer, cooler corridor, she had hardly taken two steps before she bumped into a much larger body, staggering backwards with the shock. Arms came up to catch her before she fell and her eyes finally adjusted to the light to show the momentary concern turning to blank coldness on Guy's face.

Confused, she regained her footing. "Sir Guy?" she tentatively asked, keeping the formality in her address in case unwanted ears were listening. "I'm sorry, I did not expect anyone to be in my path, I should have-"

"Lady Marian." Guy broke in, eyes darting around. "Please come with me." He gave her no chance to protest, his large hand wrapping around her wrist as he tugged her in the direction of her rooms. Something was wrong, she was certain, but she had no idea what it could be. She altered her pace to keep up with his longer strides, not wishing to bring unnecessary attention to herself and Guy as they moved swiftly through the halls.

They arrived at her rooms and she opened the door, smiling softly at him as he waited on the threshold. Things could not be too bad if he was comfortably following conventions and waiting for her invitation. She bade him to enter and seated herself at the table as he shut the door carefully. Immediately her eyes were drawn to an item on the old table - the worn, yellowed parchment standing out starkly against the dark wood. She knew at once what the item was, and it explained Guy's distant mood.

She opened her mouth to explain but was halted when he held up a hand to silence her. "Do you take me for a fool Marian?"

"You don't understand!" She cried, picking the paper up and turning it over in her hands.

"Don't I? How do you explain the presence of a... love-letter from Hood in your possessions?" He spat, pacing over to the window to avoid looking at her.

"It is a very, very old letter Guy." Marian stood, approaching him quietly. "I kept it for no other reason than it reminded me of my childhood, and a much simpler time."

"A simpler time?" Hurt flashed in his eyes and she rushed to him, laying a hand on his arm to calm him.

"Simpler does not mean better Guy. I have never been more happy than I am now!"

Guy took the letter from her hand with unexpected softness, but then looked at her with such a sudden intensity that she jumped. "Then you would feel no pain if I destroyed it? If I threw it into the fire this very moment?"

The assent was on the tip of her tongue. Her head was ready to nod. But she looked at the letter and hesitated. This was confirmation enough of her attachment to it, Guy growled and thrust the letter back into her hand then strode over to the door.

"Guy! Stop!" Marian was not expecting such a reaction, and she was also unexpectedly angry herself. She knew the letter was at the bottom of a box of keepsakes, which meant that Guy had been looking through her belongings. "Can I ask, at least, how you came across this silly letter? I do not remember taking it out as I packed my things to be moved." She moved closer to him. "Did you look through my possessions Guy?"

Guy turned, his hand on the latch of the door. "You would do well to remember who you are talking to."

Marian frowned. "I am talking to my husband."

"How do I know that means anything to you now?"

"Because you know I love you. Because I would never lie to you about such a serious matter."

Guy's hand moved on the latch. "You could be using me to get help for Hood."

Marian nodded. "You could be using me to get to Hood. I trust enough to believe better of you."

Guy turned to leave once more, wrenching the door open and stalked down the hallway. She knew she had to stop herself now; she could not risk upsetting him further. This would have been clear to her if she wasn't so frustrated with his petty jealousy that she would have said anything to him, propriety be damned. She was halfway out of the door when the annoyance bubbled over.

"Do not walk away from me Guy!"

It was too late. The Sheriff had intercepted Guy, and he had heard every word.

Marian stared in shock before turning on her heel and fleeing back into her rooms. Guy followed her in quickly, closing the door with a click.

"You stupid girl." He hissed, coming up to her with eyes blazing. "The Sheriff's spies are everywhere, even if he isn't. You must always hold your tongue outside of our rooms!"

Marian felt tears spring to her eyes. Suddenly all her bravado was lost, she could not afford to attract the Sheriff's wrath without the protection of her father's position. "What do I do?" She asked. "Help me."

Guy grasped her hands tightly. "You must leave, make yourself scarce until I can save you from harm."

"I don't want to leave you Guy, I always thought I was safe with you!"

"Marian, you must! We cannot risk you being in the Sheriff's path!"

"Where shall I go?" Marian moved around her room, gathering items to take with her. "I don't know any families who would be loyal to me over the Sheriff."

Guy's silence drew her attention, and she worried at his expression. It was a mix of worry, desperation and annoyance. "You must go to Hood."

Marian nearly cried out in protest but she knew he was right and held her tongue. "If you think it best."

"You know I do not like it Marian. But it is our only choice."

Marian went to him and pulled him to her into an embrace. He caressed her cheek and she looked at him, her tears overflowing. He kissed her tenderly but passionately and rubbed away her tears, but then schooled his expression back into his mask of cold indifference. She knew it was for the Sheriff, who was undoubtedly waiting outside, but it still hurt her heart.

"I will go and distract him. You must escape as soon as possible. I will come for you when it is safe." He walked to the door quickly, but turned at the last minute. "I love you. Please be safe."

"I will. I love you too."

And with that he was gone.


Djaq found herself unable to sleep, which was luckily not a usual occurrence. She knew to catch sleep whenever she could, so it perturbed her when such rest seemed elusive. She quietly moved through the forest as she headed towards the dying embers of the fire, knowing her path by the faint sight of the flames flickering through the trees. Robin was due to keep watch tonight, much to everyone's delight - when Robin took the duty they all tried to avoid, it meant that he had no major plots for the next day and as a result they all slept far more soundly.

Coming out into the clearing however, Djaq was greeted with the sight of Marian, staring mournfully into the crackling remains of that evening's fire. The young woman has joined them earlier that day, a few quick and hushed words with Robin assuring her position in the group for now, though the suspicion in Robin's eyes as she walked away from him suggested it would not be an enjoyable time for long.

Her weariness caused her not to notice an exposed root at the edge of the trees, she stumbled, Marian's head snapped up and their eyes locked. So much for a stealthy approach, she thought, smiling apologetically at the other woman - startling her was not the intention.

She came to sit next to her on the log, warming her hands against the fire. She was unsure how to start the conversation, but Marian solved that problem for her.

"Can you not sleep? I hope I did not disturb you."

Djaq smiled. "No, you did not wake me. I could not fall asleep, so I thought I would walk through the trees. I find it very soothing."

"I know what you mean, I find myself far more relaxed sitting here than I thought."

"Can I ask you why you are here? Or would that be rude of me?" Djaq asked with care. She didn't want to cause offence to Marian, as although she was essentially an honorary member of their group, she was also in a position of power over her, if she ever needed to use it.

"I have… committed a serious error. I spoke out of turn to Sir Guy of Gisbourne in the presence of the Sheriff, and have had to remove myself from the castle until the situation can be remedied."

Djaq frowned, confused. "I can see that this is an error of formality, but surely not serious enough to leave?"

Marian smiled at her, ruefully, and Djaq knew that there was another side to this story. "I am afraid there is something I am not telling you. Sir Guy and I are married, and have been so for 4 months now."

Djaq could not respond immediately, shock at this news took away her ability to speak. Her first thought was about Robin, for she had been certain that at some point he and Marian would come together forever, to be husband and wife.

Marian laughed softly. "I know it is shocking news. But I am very happy, I promise you. He proposed marriage not long after my father died, when I was most uncertain of my future. I thought he was just trying to help me, but when I looked into his eyes and saw the love there I knew he had no ulterior motive. And I realised in that moment how dear he had become to me, and how hard he would work to make me happy. We have kept it quiet out of respect for my father, fear of the Sheriff and Robin's reaction - all at great expense to Guy, for the secrecy of others."

"Well… I cannot say that I understand - if that does not displease you. All I really know of Sir Guy is his hatred of my companions, and desire to harm Robin. But I am sure there is more to him than is obvious to us." Djaq stumbled over her words, her brain still not being able to comprehend the matter completely. Much to her relief, Marian was still smiling.

"I understand. I think that the animosity between Guy and Robin is simply due to jealousy, and that is why Robin was so unwilling to allow me to stay. It is also the cause of our argument this morning, a most strong feeling is rooted inside both of them, and I have not had the time to convince Guy of my love for him as yet. I…" Marian faltered. Djaq instinctively reached to grasp her hand encouragingly. "I believe I may be with child. I hope that the news will help to reassure Guy."

Djaq was pleased for the woman beside her; a child was happy news for anyone. "I am sure that he will be most delighted Marian!"

Marian squeezed Djaq's hand and grinned. "I must admit I am excited to tell him. I was to tell him this morning, but I will have to wait to tell him now, until he has managed to persuade the Sheriff that I deserve no punishment."

"You must stay here until then?" Marian nodded. "We must make sure you are comfortable!" She jumped up, turning from the fire. Marian still had hold of her hand, and she felt herself pulled back.

"Oh no, please do not tell anyone! I feel enough guilt that Guy has not been the first to hear of the news already!"

Djaq repressed the urge to rush off for comfortable bedding for Marian, and sat back down again.

"If you are sure. You must promise to tell me if you need anything, I am here to help you completely."

"I promise." Marian vowed. "Thank you."


Marian sighed. There had been an argument in the camp, in which she had inadvertently become involved; she felt that escaping for a moment was her only choice to not jeopardise her position further. She had felt Robin's eyes burning into her back as she slipped away and she still felt slightly odd, as if she was still being watched.

She worked her way through the forest, enjoying the way the sun fell on her through the leaves as she moved. It was a warm day, and she felt some sense of peace within her despite the circumstances. Her mind was elsewhere as she walked, and didn't notice that she was approaching the road until she stepped out onto the dirt track. Unfortunately she could not continue her journey; a sound of hooves was getting closer and she looked up to see the Sheriff's party approaching.

Her heart beat heavily in her chest. Fear gripped her. She didn't know if Guy had had time to talk to the Sheriff, to try and explain the unexplainable. She trusted him to work things out, but was planning a much longer break from the castle to allow her husband to spin his best tales.

The Sheriff approached her, a sickly sweet smile on his face. "Lady Marian, what purpose could you possibly have out here? You really must be more careful," he leaned in conspiratorially, "there are outlaws who would find many purposes for a lovely lady such as yourself, if you were to stumble across their path."

Marian nodded, her head down respectfully. "I'm afraid I was not feeling well Sir, and I thought a walk would help to return my spirits. I did not realise how far I was from the castle."

The Sheriff didn't believe her, and she knew it. But if she played to his vanity properly she knew she should be able to retain control of the situation. "I must thank you most exceedingly, for coming to my aid before I was captured by the outlaws." She smiled simperingly, aware that Guy was probably highly amused by her act. She did not dare look at him, her attention had to be fully focused on the man in front of her to succeed.

"Very well my Lady Marian. I too am pleased to have come to your rescue so opportunely." He turned from her to look to Guy and she let out a low sigh of relief. "I suggest that you take your wife home Sir Guy, back where she belongs." He laughed uproariously at his joke, his men joining in - due to either genuine amusement, or fear of not complying Marian wasn't sure.

Her eyes flicked to Guy at the news that he had told the Sheriff of their marriage, though she knew it would have had to come some time soon. She saw him smirking at the Sheriff's "joke" but could see from the intensity of his gaze that he wasn't amused at all. She didn't have time to react herself, as the Sheriff turned back to her too quickly.

She smiled and walked to Guy, holding a hand up to him. With ease he pulled her up to sit behind him and she snaked her arms around his waist. When he relaxed at her touch, she did too and they trotted off back to Nottingham, leaving the Sheriff and his men far behind.

Djaq stood hidden by the trunks of the trees, watching carefully. She had followed Marian from the camp, the same way she had for the few days of Marian's occupation. She had enough stealth to not be noticed by the men or Marian, and was always back before anyone noticed she was missing. She smiled as she watched Marian leave with Sir Guy, with her husband. The brief, wordless, exchange on the horse had pushed away any worries she still had about the match, and as she watched them make their way up towards the castle, she knew everything would work out for her friend. She also knew to expect Robin to be in a foul mood when the marriage was officially announced, and dreaded the day the announcement of an heir to the title of Gisbourne was proclaimed. Shaking her head, she made her way back to the camp, and to her own family.


Marian paced fretfully in Guy's rooms. She wasn't used to the layout yet, which set her further on edge. Today was the day she was to tell Guy of her pregnancy. She had confirmed the news with the village midwife, with a subtle payment for her silence. As she was going over her planned words in her head, Guy stormed into the rooms, slamming the door in the face of the guard with whom he was speaking.

"I swear I shall go mad Marian."

She hurried to his side, leading him to a chair by the fire and crouching by the side. "Is the Sheriff planning something?" She asked with a hushed voice - you could never know who was listening.

Guy smiled sadly at her. "You know I cannot tell you, my love. I am not willing to risk your safety at the whims of that man."

Marian pouted, making him chuckle. "Fine, I shall not tell you my news then." She stood up and moved to walk from him.

He caught her arm and pulled her back to him. She tripped slightly and fell back into him, landing so she was sitting on his lap. "You planned that." She laughed as he raised an eyebrow suggestively at her.

"I did not!" She cried indignantly.

"Now tell me your news before I am forced to disown you for being a saucy wench."

Marian laughed again. "Fine, fine! If you must know… I am pregnant."

Guy's face turned from joking to serious in a flash. "Do not tell me you are joking now Marian."

"I promise you, I speak the truth: I am with child." Marian's head swam as Guy lifted her up, planting her feet on the floor before standing up himself. She gripped his arms tightly as she steadied herself.

"Are you sick?" He asked, his voice heavy with concern. "Shall I call for the physician?"

"I am most well, I just do not take well to being tossed about like a doll." She grinned cheekily at him.

Guy smiled tenderly. "I love you so much Marian. Thank you for giving me this gift."

Marian rose onto her tiptoes to kiss him tenderly. "You are most welcome."

tv - robin hood, fandom - fic

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