Jonghyun: Key-goon teases me oftenly too.
Key: I've already stopped doing that. It's too dangerous.
Jonghyun: Because you're at the losing end.
Key: I only got to know recently that it is dangerous...
Jonghyun: He teases me oftenly. Then once, I jokingly kissed him. After that incident, he doesn't dare to tease me anymore.
OMG GUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS! I guess you don't have any idea HOW AMAZING THIS THING IS BUT DJKSLÑAJFDSAJFKDASLF FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Can you imagine it? No, no, just imagine. Key (the guy who is on the left) teasing Jonghyun (the other guy, basically) and Jonghyun FUCKING KISSING HIM AS REVENGE AND JSKLÑAHFSDFHDSAKLHGFASHFDKSAJFDSICSAM OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I don't care if you know about KPOP or not, JUST IMAGINE THE SITUATION. Can you imagine Key's face after that kiss? I CAN IMAGINE IT PERFECTLY! I imagine Key kissing him back when Jonghyun moves aways from his lips. I CAN IMAGINE PERFECTLY JONGHYUN'S NERVOUS LAUGH AS AN 'OH PLEASE, IT HAS BEEN JUST A KISS, DON'T TAKE IT SO SERIOUS' but inside he's shaking because WELL, HE HAS KISSED KEY OMG JDSKLAÑFJKDSHFDSLFJKDSA ♥
Please, get married already if you're not yet