Oct 05, 2008 20:02
My name is James, and I.. am an Altaholic.
It doesn't matter the MMO. WoW, Maple Story, Perfect World, Florencia. If it's free to play, I've likley got three/four characters on it. Rarely the same class twice, I'm one of those sorts that wants to try every sort of character.
I've been nukers and tanks and snipers. I've been male and female characters. I've been humans and elves and busty catgirls.
I have never brought a single character to end game on ANY game. I've never raided, I've never guilded. Hell, don't think I've ever brought a single character up past fifty before trying something else.
It's a problem. It's a compulsion. And it's proof that I have absolutely no life whatsoever.
Now, Imma gonna go grind my Dragon Knight on Rohan. Heh.
Yours, in one form or another,
Tha Shyfty One