Welcome to the extortion of the American people. It comes under the hand of insurance companies.
WASHINGTON - Insurance companies aren't playing nice any more. Their dire message that health care legislation will drive up premiums for people who already have coverage comes as a warning shot at a crucial point in the debate, and threatens President Barack Obama's top domestic priority.
Democrats and their allies scrambled on Monday to knock down a new industry-funded study forecasting that Senate legislation, over time, will add thousands of dollars to the cost of a typical policy. "Distorted and flawed," said White House spokeswoman Linda Douglass. "Fundamentally dishonest," said AARP's senior policy strategist, John Rother. "A hatchet job," said a spokesman for Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont.
Read more at:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/12/insurers-mount-attack-aga_n_317159.html People are NOT a business. It has come time to remind the big business that WE are in charge because with out us they are nothing. IT IS TIME TO STAND UP AND FIGHT!