If America Should Go Communist

Oct 07, 2009 08:10


This article states pretty much what communism and socialism could do for the US and tries to dispel some of the myths of the USSR/Soviet Union.

A few things though:

1.) there is no explanation of how the Author came up with these figures. They could but just picked out of thin air.

2.) it states that it will provide everything for every one and no cost and get rid of the need for money. Which is the main goal of communism, however, it has yet to actually work in any communist socialist state. This also means that the government provides everything and they get to decide what is necessary. Without money there is no way to buy things that we want instead of only having what we need.

3.) it states that all people need is choice of food, clothing, and a car and a home. Plus alcohol and tobacco. I need more than that. I need free speech, I need a choice in what I want to do with my life. I don't want to have to ask for permission or be told what to do.

4.) Canada, Central and South America will "fall in to the American Union". This makes me think of... Germany. Honestly. I really don't think that the US is responsible enough to have that much land and I think once they did get that much they would try to keep going.

5.) the communist revolution in would go smoother than the likes of the USSR. I highly doubt that. The US government isn't going to give up power with out a fight. A fight that will include things like martial law and military force. This will leave thousands dead and more than likely only produce a military state.

6.) it talks about booting out opponents and letting them live rent free. This is censorship. This is taking away the right to free speech. This statement exiles opponents to silence their views. It would only get worse from there.

7.) religion wouldn't protest. Its possible that they wouldn't however, this is unlikely. Right now the church has an amount of power over what the White House does. If they fear losing that they will object, as we have already seen. On the other side, this may give the church more power and put them in a position that they could revoke woman's reproductive rights, outlaw premarital living arrangements, take control of sex education, outlaw homosexuality and eliminate the freedom of religion.

8.) democratic communism should provide elections for the head of state. America is not a two party system. It hasn't been for at least 30 years we elect the same type of people every election. While communism would eliminate the rich only runners, making it so every one could run (hopefully any way) we would still be electing people who had their own agendas. Furthermore, there is no clarification on if the house would stay or what kind of control the head of state and the house would have. This leads me to believe that house and head would take full control and that is what democracy tires to avoid.

As for civil liberties it seems to me that communism creates an environment where rights and freedoms can be taken away easily under the pretense of "furthering the Union" or "protecting the Union". The article its self even includes the an idea of what to do with opposition. These are the exact same loop holes that the Chinese government has use to censor the views of their citizens.


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