I've had enough of the stupid really. The ignorance in this country is fucking INCREDIBLE. Fuck. Being racists against white people is just as fucking stupid and ignorant as the KKK fagots. And you are already free, fuck-tards. Sit down and shut the fuck up.
I fucking hate hate groups. I fucking hate racism. I fucking hate racists at least that's a fucking GOOD reason to hate some one. All of you are the fucking same. Stupid ignorant bigots. I don't give a fuck what goddamned color you are, you could be purple with orange polka dots for all I fucking care, but if you spout hatred for some one based on the color of their skin, their religion (I hate Christianity not Christians in general, mind you), or who the like to fuck I will hate you.
You all spout that you have the right to free speech, what about my rights to not be subjected to your fucking stupidity? Oh yeah, my rights don't count. This has really got to fucking change.
Fuck you.
Riot is tired of stupid. Things like this need to stop happening and we need to start looking at each other as humans rather than labels. Its stupid and its never done any fucking good for any one. It causes violence and more hate; a plague of stupid.
There are currently 23 known hate group organizations in my area. Its disgusting. You can find out how many are active in your state by checking
the list of stupid. While you are there you should poke
this petition and take a stand against stupid.
Other places to take action:
Partners against hateTeaching ToleranceStop The Hate