Terry Moran's retarded twitter post. American Journalism at its best. [/sarcasm]
Well, apparently "OFF THE RECORD" doesn't mean anything any more and Presidents aren't permitted to have opinions nor (based on stupid comments) have a life out side work. >_< Are people really stupid enough to believe that?
Huffington Post (for some stupid reason) placed an article on the front page; today it takes up at leas half of the front page. Go on world tell us how you REALLY feel.
This is unimportant dribble, well mostly any way. Sadly the importance of this has been missed by many. I guess people are dumb so I will spell it out.
What is important about this is not that Obama called him a jackass or the that Kanye West is (clearly) a jackass or that most of us agree with the president about implied jackassery. What is important is Terry Moran did something that is unethical in the journalism world and deliberately published a statement that was not meant for the world; violating the privacy of both the reporter and the president.
I thought that this was an easy concept to grasp, but after reading a sting of comments oh HuffPost and other new sites I've found that there are a million morons in this world that don't realize why this is such a big deal.
ABC apologize stating that Moran "prematurely tweeted". Prematurely tweeted? Are you fucking serious?? Did you even look at what he wrote before making up some fucking bullshit like that? Who the hell would really think that was for public release? You've got to be fucking kidding me; seriously.
It's clear that Moran knew exactly what he was doing and he should be fired.