Onward to Socialism, or not.

Sep 13, 2009 17:42

Obama the socialist. Again. I thought I may have debunked these claims but I guess not. So because the things that I have found are clearly not enough I present this:

Sarah Palin said:  Obama "would experiment with socialism."
Polifact.org says you're a big fat liar.
And a flaming pair of pants to you, Yucky McLiar Pants and Republican groupies.

"So no, Obama's tax increase on those making more than $250,000 would not represent a transformation of the U.S. system of government. His desire to "spread the wealth" through progressive taxation makes him no less a capitalist than McCain, or Lincoln. Palin's allegation that Obama wants to "experiment with socialism" seems designed less to inform than to inflame. That's Pants on Fire wrong."

Tom Cobern:  "Under the Obama plan . . . all the health care in this country is eventually going to be run by the government."
Polifact.org says: YOU LIE!

"Coburn and Obama can fairly disagree about conscience protections for health care workers who oppose abortions. But he's wrong that Obama's plan offers government-run health care.

In fact, Obama's plan leaves in place the private health care system, but seeks to expand it to the uninsured. It increases eligibility for the poor and children to enroll in initiatives like Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and creates pools for individuals to buy their own cheaper insurance. It also outlines strategies to rein in costs for everyone, such as electronic medical records and preventive care."

Not to mention that we already have "socialized"  "government run" heath care. Let me introduce you to Medicaid and Medicare. OMFG, we are oh so communist. [/sarcasm]

So can we just shut up about it now? You're wrong assumptions based on a half (well in this cases one sentence) statement doesn't make it true. Proving you wrong is getting boring.


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