Mar 24, 2005 16:14
Yesterday was one of the better days I've had lately.
We learned 13 reactions of alkenes in Organic Chemistry... which caused Melissa and I to need Mexican food and Margaritas (I think she forgets that I'm nineteen, so I just had a lime Jarrito). We stayed there for an hour.
I watched Battle Royale with Alex. It's a good movie, even though I don't want to admit it. Seriously, though, a lighter subject to convey the message could have been used. Then, he showed me a little cartoon about cute, brightly colored animals in a school bus. They were happy and looking out the window. The bus hit a rock and it caused a window to close, chopping the bunny's head off. It made me cry, but not a lot.
I went home.
Then, I went to Chad's.
Human touch has amazing powers.
I do have a sinus headache.