((OOC NOTE - I'm sorry tags are delayed/slow. I've had a hell of a time sleeping lately and it's making me off and on sick. I'm replying as I can rattle the brain cells together to do so *SALUTE!*))
[The gear's video feed comes to life, seemingly having been jostled on as it was dropped.]
SCYYYYY!! [There's the sound of what sounds like a
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Geh... So many different topics to start with that I can't decide which one to go with...
Are you part of the mission as well?
Do you know them...?
[IE - are you somehow responsible for what looked suspiciously like Lucifer and Asmodeus in those cells at the conclusion of the meeting? You'd better hope not 8D;]
--er! Y-Yes? I mean... I know all three that are here...?
[She has a lot of questions, good sir...you've unfortunately been elected to answer them]
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