Anyone who wishes to reassert their hatred for me, you can feel free to do so here.
However, I had a very nice night.
[Filtered to Mohinder]
I said I'd talk about Noah next, didn't I? Before I do, I should give you a little more background. This story has the unfortunate downside of not being provable, but I'm telling it to you anyway. Maybe it's a waste of time, but I'll let you decide what to believe.
The Company has a facility- more like a headquarters- in Hartsdale. I attacked it, Elle was there waiting for me, and as I tried to open her up, she sent out a massive electric pulse. It unlocked all the cells, which contained the most dangerous powered people in the world. I was caught and placed under heavy sedation, and since they put a feeding tube up my nose, I figured I was going to be there for awhile.
Not so. Angela came in, freed me, and explained my circumstances to me. She then told me that I could do a lot of good, that I could try to become something else. I was going to be allowed to help collect the escaped prisoners. She gave me a suit and partnered Noah with me. Noah was thrilled, as you might imagine.
We went on an assignment or two together, and then we went to pick up a man by the name of Stephen Canfield. He was gifted with the ability to create vortexes- miniature, contained black holes. He sucked his neighbor into one before the Company grabbed him, the first time. I wondered vaguely why we were going after this man when there were plenty of others that have proven themselves to be more dangerous, but you know Noah- he's always the one in charge.
When we got to his house, Claire was there already. She had been trying to do some good of her own, and she thought she could handle it. It was lucky that she went to Stephen first, although my personal first choice wouldn't have been to seek out one of the few men that could destroy me. Anyway, Stephen and Claire must have gotten to talking, but he accused her of collaborating with us as soon as we arrived. He created a vortex in the middle of the room and ran off. It pulled all of us off our feet- Claire almost fell into that vortex. I managed to get close enough to her to grab her hand, and I held onto her until the vortex dissapated. Of course, neither of them were terribly grateful for it.
They both discussed things, and it came up that Stephen was a nice guy, really, that he just wanted to see his family. Noah agreed to talk it out with him, and I could tell he was lying through his teeth. I found out why when Claire broke down and told him where Stephen was going.
I wasn't allowed to attend that reunion. I had to stay down with the car. But I watched the proceedings. Stephen was already upset, and only got worse as time went on. Claire kept glancing at me and eventually started protesting- that was right about when Noah pulled a gun on Stephen. They argued, and when Stephen yelled, it was the first thing I could hear. "I won't let you make me a killer!" He made a vortex right next to himself, and he fell into it.
Noah had tried to force a decent but scared man into destroying me. I have no doubt he threatened the man's family as well. It's how he operates. Claire was shocked to see what her father was capable of. I wonder if she'll ever be unfortunate enough to see it here. Or maybe it would be fortunate, for her to know the truth.
We haven't worked together since then. I went on an assignment on my own (believe me, I was thoroughly reprimanded for that), and I heard he took another partner right before all the mess with Peter. And then I ended up here, where things are obviously a bit different.