Holy crap. The last few days have been pretty cool. Yesterday I got to go to school lated becasue Aunt Tracy had her baby. It's a Boy!! His name is Nathaniel James Cimino. He is cute, but makes weird noises, so I don't like holding him. I named him Frog, because when he does this face and makes a noise, he reminds me of a frog. So i got to school
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first of all im not like that if i for a second thought i was better i would say i was...
your all to good for some piece of shit like me to be around...
i told you i would do this...if i come around again and feal unstressed and unfucked up about life remember to sisten when i say i might go away...i mean it...
and if that is the thing that i told one of you one thing and the other different, thats fucking lame...becasue your both on different levels....
one is a very good friend and the other im in love with...what the fuck....
jenna i only told you that as a friend you where alot more importent to me....maybe you didint listen corectly... but thats what i said....
see this is why i dopnt like to try o explain things to peope, it hurts my hands when you dont get things....
"I miss Christian, but he is too good for us right Jenna?"
i still dont get where the fuck you got that i was better then you...
im in my house all alone...what the fuck would i have to say i was better then you....
i sitll love you all dont get me wrong...but i dont feal like dealing with all of your crap when i have so much of my own that is so much more stupid...
im depressed, stressed, sick, i have emotinal pains from being in love, it all just blows...ill get over it maybe...or just die...one or the other...what ever
well im gonna go like....look at the sky or something and cry....
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