-Contact information-
Your name: Komix
Messenger: komikbookgeek (AIM)
Email: komikbookgeek@gmail.com
-Character information-
Character Name: Magneto
Journal Name:
makes_asteroids Source: Marvel
Why do you want to play this character: I’ve played some version of this character for over ten years, he’s one of my favorites.
Characters present age: In current Marvel time, it’s approximately 2005, putting Magneto at seventy-seven
Apparent Age: 47-50
Physical Description: Magneto is well built man who appears in his late forties despite being nearly forty years older. Due to the life he’s lead he has numerous well healed scars, mostly from burns. However he does have a set of scars from Wolverine’s claws marring his stomach and exit punctures near his spine on the left. After his de-aging he did retain the tattoo (which reads 24005) he received at Auschwitz at a boy. Despite his apparent youth, his hair is stark white and his actual age it remains thick, and just slightly wavy. Like many mutants, he has blue eyes. While not in uniform, he tends to dress sharply but not formally, and more often than not in bright or bold colors - mostly in reds somewhere on his clothing. He is almost always clean shaven and with neatly trimmed hair. His posture is perfect, with an almost regal manner of carrying himself although it shifts into almost painfully straight when his is in a rage. However, when depressed or ill, he wears more subdued tones, more often in blue. When a heavy emotion or a task carries him beyond his caring for his well being, he’ll neglect to shave.
Between his dress and his baring one might be tempted to label him a “gentleman”. That would be viewing Magneto though rose-colored glasses. While he does enjoy the finer parts of life, he is also comfortable in heavy, thick work clothing, shelves rolled up, hands and forearms stained with grease or oil as he works on something mechanical. He is arrogant, and his reflection bears this out but he is not pretentious.
Distinguishing Features: He has a LOT scars - His back is pretty much covered in scars, there are three punctures on his back less than an inch from his spine, three slashes across his stomach (the line up with the punctures), burn scars to his right shoulder blade, and a mat of scars on his left chest over his ribs a little larger than the palm of his hand, small burns from cooking on his hands, which is also heavily calloused. His arms and legs have minor scars on them, mostly from minor cuts. An oft broken nose, and a tattoo on his left forearm - 24005
Special abilities/talents/powers:
they natural or artificial. This makes his power practically limitless, the only stumbling blocks being Magneto's own perceptions of his power and his physical condition at the time.
The main powers he relies on for defensive combat would be creating magnetic force fields, magnetic flight, and matter manipulation. His force field can be quickly expanded to protect large areas, or to include several people and is capable of withstanding some of the most extreme environments, from nuclear strikes, the vacuum of space, and multiple concurrent attacks. Magneto flight is Magneto's main mode of long-term travel. He can accomplish flight in two ways, by either manipulating magnetic fields between himself and the Earth or by gliding along the naturally occurring magnetic lines of the Earth. While the latter is far quicker, it is also far more dangerous and technically difficult as Magneto does not possess speedster reflexes and enhanced senses in order to travel safety in this way he must use his force field to protect himself and must concentrate a great deal on where he is over the planet. When he is flying at any speed at all by any method, he must take precautions normally through the use of his armor and his force field to protect himself from friction and debris. As a result, typically when he is traveling at speeds greater than twenty miles an hour or while flying through debris filled area he has to use his force field.
During offensive combat Magneto uses pretty much whatever he can to win, or failing winning, survive and escape. Using his powers he can create bolts of magnetic force or lightening, electricity, influence and control other forms of energy or radiation, manipulate gravity, and bend or deflect the visible light spectrum around his body.
While he can use his powers to create magnetic fields around non-ferrous objects this is exponentially more difficult for him, requiring so much effort than while weakened he will not be able to do so.
In addition to combat related purposes, his powers make him capable of matter manipulation, of viewing (and to some level influencing and controlling) the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and organic iron manipulation. He understands the theory of using his powers to be a living MRI machine and has perfected it.
Magneto has an almost subconscious link to the Earth's EM field. As a result, he forever knows what is happening to it, draws from it unconsciously, and uses it as a sort of permanent map - meaning he doesn't get lost - at the same time, the Earth's field grants him a sort of odd immortality.
In rare instances, his is able to channel vast amounts of magnetic energy to boost his strength, stamina, durability, reflexes, and speed to superhuman levels. There is a cost to his - and a high one - leaving him weakened and exhausted if not unconscious, causing debilitating migraine headaches and occasionally petite mal and grand mal seizures, and leaving him at a high risk of a brain hemorrhage.
Skills and Talents:
Magneto has been trained to dance the tango to a championship level as well as having a very extensively trained medical background - it isn’t something he often uses but he’s kept mostly current with his knowledge and can use it, if there is no other medical personal around. Similarly, he’s an accomplished carpenter and self-taught architect and engineer. Due to his Uncle Erich’s trade, he was also trained as an assistant in the family jewelry shop, is a fairly good cook although not to professional levels, and has a fairly significant background in successful smuggling of small items. He’s extremely well versed in physics and genetics.
Occupation: His occupation at the point in canon I’m taking him from is Pre-House of M, leaving him as one of Genosha’s rebuilding forces.
Items they possess when they arrive: His uniform that he wore on Genosha - the black tactical one with red, rather than his classic red and purple, and couple changes of clothing. A toiletry kit.
A small heavy metal briefcase which contains a backup of his previous work - mostly scientific in nature, however also contains history accounts, some law - a copy of Genoshan law in full.
Brief Personal History for the character:
31 October 1928: Born firstborn son to Jakob and Edie Eisenhardt, named Maximillian ‘Max’ Eisenhardt, the second child (Ruthie, born 1926) in Germany
The Eisenhardt family was fairly well off, and well integrated Reform Jews. Jakob had fought in ‘The Great War’ and was a well decorated soldier saving the life of a Major Jurgen Scharf, later in life he was a civil servant.
15 September 1935: Nuremberg Laws passed causing some hardship for the family.
1936: Berlin Olympics - Jakob takes Max to Berlin by train to meet with Major Scharf and try to get his job back. Jakob is arrested by the Gestapo and badly beaten. Major Scharf knocked Max to the ground, nearly knocking him unconscious, and leaving him in a crumbled heap on the sidewalk. Many hours later, Major Scharf brings Jakob out, declaring the Gestapo would have killed him without his intervention, and they are now even. Jakob and Max return home by train.
9th - 10th November 1938: Kristallnacht
11 November 1938: Family Jakob, Edie, uncle Erich, Ruth, and Max flee Germany to Poland, where they are forced into the Ghetto. There, unknown to each other, Max and his Uncle Erich become smugglers. They are both quite successful even though the Eisenhardt family, Ruthie in particular, are suffering the effects of starvation. At one instance, when Max witnesses a Nazi kill a Jew, he attempts to go after him with a penknife. He is stopped by his Uncle Erich, who tells him that if he had been able to succeed, many of their people would have died.
19 April, 1943 - 16 May, 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Uncle Erich stays behind to fight in the Uprising. Young Max wants to, but is convinced to go with his mother, father, and sister. This night, young Max gets a life lesson from his father. “You were too YOUNG to hear all that. Ach, you're STILL too young. But Max. Max...Sometimes in this life...you get a MOMENT. A time when everything lines up. When anything is possible. When suddenly...you can make things happen. God help us if we TAKE that moment. And God FORGIVE us if we DON'T. My beautiful son...”
April 1943: Jakob, Edie, and Ruth killed by Nazis in mass shooting. Max survived, thanks to his powers, but it left him unconscious, and he was buried alive. He dug his way out, and attempted to flee but was captured.
May 1943: Arrival at Auschwitz II-Birkenau - Max is told by his former headmaster to lie about his age, stating he is eighteen. This saves his life, he was only fourteen at the time. When another boy confesses to being fourteen, he is taken outside and shot.
June 1943: Became Sonderkommando to escape the ‘attention’ of a man, who Magneto recalled as playing a piece of music by Franz Schubet. He worked with Mengele, and was called ‘Naseferatu’ by the children, due to him being so pale. It was there he found the bodies of those the man had chosen, mutated into monsters. Magneto would spend years searching for him, but never found him.
2-3 August, 1944: Gypsy Family Camp murdered - Magda (13) moved to Jewish Woman’s Camp by Max (15), by trading favors. He had been a smuggler in the Ghetto, he continued this trade inside the camps. Years later, Kitty Pride was told how he had saved lives smuggling food and medicine to those in the camp. Moving Magda cost him a lot, and by entrusting her into his care, as far as the other Roma where concerned, her father consented to their marriage.
7 October, 1944: Sonderkommando revolt. Three members of the SS were killed and 451 of the Sonderkommando. Max escaped death this day.
19 January 1945: ‘Max’ and Magda escape Auschwitz II as the camp was being shut down by the Nazi by rushing into the woods and through a hole in the fencing while the guards were busy. One foot, ill, weakened, and near death, they travel to the Carpathians, where Magda still have family.
April: Max and Magda arrive in a Carpathian Mountain village in the Ukraine, Rom community considers Max and Magda wed - Max begins working/learning a trade in construction, while studying at home to make up for his lack of education. Max changed his first name to ‘Erik’ in part to honor his uncle and in part to better fit in with the local population.
September: Erik and Magda Eisenhardt marry in town hall.
30 May: Anya Eisenhardt born, named after Magda’s mother. Erik calls her his talisman, his hope. After all he’s lost, he has blood kin now, and she is his hope for the future, physical proof that things MUST be better now.
21 May: Eisenhardt family moves to Vinnytsia, in part so Erik can further his education.
22 May: Erik takes a day labor’s job and is cheated out of half his pay. After a fight with his (former) employer in which he accidentally uses his powers to fling a crow bar, he returns home. The man calls the KGB and informs the towns’ people. Magda was at market while Anya slept in the inn where they were staying. When the couple arrives home, their find their home aflame, their baby still inside. Although Erik attempts to get inside, his way is blocked by the KGB, and he is brutally beaten while the building - and his child - burns. When Anya’s corpse hits the streets, Erik uses his powers in a big way - destroying much of that section of town and killed, in fact vaporized, all but two people in a multi block radius - himself and Magda. Unable to fully control his powers, he reaches for her hand, meaning to take it and flee, but an arc of magnetic lightening shoots off and Magda thought he meant to kill her too. She fled, leaving him alone with the body of their child. He scooped up Anya’s body and fled, hearing more soldiers. In the woods, in ground still cold, he buried her, alone and unmarked, before the KGB managed to catch up. There he turned their own guns on them and continued to flee.
Later that year, he takes name of ‘Erik Magnus Lehnsherr’ and had paper work forged by George Odekirk and begins search for Magda.
July: He moves to Israel, claiming he needs to find his soul after searching so long for Magda and begins working as an orderly at a psych hospital in Haifa, met Charles Xavier. There, under the urging of Xavier and other doctors, he begins medical school and completes it within four years, beginning his internship after he takes his boards.
June: Baron Strucker and HYDRA attack the hospital where Erik and Charles are working in the month after Erik takes his boards. Patients, including Gabby Haller, are abducted and the two young men go after them. It is during this time they show each other they are mutants, defeat HYDRA. Erik and Charles fight, and Erik leaves, taking the gold with him the Nazis were hiding.
Soon after he began working for Mossad, pushed in direction of CIA, where he hunts Nazi War Criminals while turning them over the Mossad, and keeping their gold, art work, and other stolen treasures. Some he returns to their owner's families, if the families still exist. Some, belonging to his own family, he keeps. During a hunt for Josef Mengele, he meet Isabelle Romao, a doctor. She becomes his physician, and later the two fall in love and she joins him while he continues his hunt. Isabelle is murdered in retaliation for his working for Moassd and Magneto is born.
For years he wages small 'war', fighting much as he did in the Ghetto's - a guerrilla fight against people he no longer trusted to run the world. Sadly this included almost all of the human population. During this time he fought the original X-Men, and eventually, the new group, is deaged to an infant and reaged (during this time Dr Moira MacTaggert 'tinkered' with his DNA, fixed a problem that had been making him mentally unstable, although he has yet to forgive her) and it was during this time when he was attempting to force the world to surrender their nuclear armaments, he badly injuries thirteen year old Kitty Pride. He believes he has killed her and has, in fact, came close. This causes a crisis of conscious for Magneto, so much so, he was willing to allow Storm to kill him. He hands Kitty's body to Storm and flees, going into seclusion on an island he raised in the Bermuda Triangle. While there he meets Aleytys "Lee" Forrester, who later becomes his lover.
Soon after, with Charles Xavier dying, he askd him to step in as headmaster, which he did. During this time the Morlock Massacre occurs, the students were killed and resurrected, Magneto and Storm joined the Hellfire club, and for this and other reasons, his time as headmaster of the New Mutants came to an end.
Soon after Zaladane kidnapped him and Lorna Dane, leading to adventures in Antarctica. With SHIELD’s assistance, Magneto was able to stop her plans and killed her.
After this, he built Avalon, and had it destroyed.
Shortly after the ‘Magneto Protocols’ were enacted which blocked him from using his powers inside the net - blocking him from the planet. When he unleashed a worldwide EMP, fought the X-Men, ripped the adamantium from Wolverine’s bones and due to Xavier’s actions, Onslaught was born.
Astra kidnapped the comatose Magneto and created a clone named Joseph. During this time he was known as ‘Erik the Red’ and murdered George Odekirk. Afterward, he returned to his terrorist cause, blackmailing the world into giving him Genosha. In the end, when declaring war on the rest of the world, Wolverine got his revenge, and crippled him.
Due to his injuries, he was unable to protect Genosha from Cassandra Nova’s attack and believed to have perished. While a being known as Xorn posed as Magneto, he quietly recovered on Genosha, unconscious.
Please write a 500 word role play sample, in third person.
Erik Lehnsherr had used many names in his time. Some had even become his name. Right now, he was quite grateful he and Charles had thought this one up. Most people who knew the Xavier family would either assume 'Michael Xavier' was a poor cousin raised in Europe and drawn closer to the Xavier family by his and Charles mutual interests and careers, as well as keeping the family money in the family. Others, who knew more about the family, might assume 'Michael' had been a university colleague Xavier had adopted as neither had family. It wasn’t, after all, a completely odd thing to occur - both young men had lost family in the war, Erik had lost everything. Everyone. It had bene more common in Europe, certainly, but families without heirs often did adopt outsiders to keep the family going. It was rare but it happened. Extremely few - only those who didn't know Charles Xavier was from the US, wouldn't have noticed his 'cousin' had a refined but extremely muddied European accent - and it would have taken someone with an exceptional ear and experience to recognize that it a German accent underlying it all. Erik felt confident that here, provided he got those who knew better to play along that he would have no trouble. And with Xavier not here, that eliminated the other possibility that some had assumed - that he and Charles lived with the assumed name due to an intimate relationship and their desire to not have to deal with other people’s questions. That was probably closer to the truth, even if neither of them admitted it.
This place, he was finding, still threw off his internal compass. Probably due to the loss of his Earth’s electromagnetic field and his body still adjusting. Regardless, he was grateful to be able to fly and kicked himself up to scope out the area. This was certainly a town but a very odd one. The people…were not people. Not really. But the buildings and such where stable and looked safe. He didn’t understand the geography - at all. It seemed to converge with this single point, this village. That confused him, but he’d heard of stranger things - Mojo for instance. The sun beat down hard on his hair and the breeze played over hair. It was nice, the air not polluted as Genosha’s was, but mostly wanted to figure out how to home. He’d read what was posted at the hotel. ‘The Beehive’ indeed. An artificial home for those taken outside their natural environment. He wasn’t happy about what that implied. Deciding he’s learned enough from the skies, he looked for a place to land.
He dropped, landing lightly, and started walking. With his senses alert and his body on edge, he was ready for an attack that didn’t seem to come. In fact, the population seemed to not even notice him. Over all, this place seemed more for the dead than the living. Was this what Genosha had become? Or had he died there? He hadn’t been able to walk, last he remembered. He wasn’t a stranger to paralysis - he’d dealt with Xavier’s medical condition before, and while Xavier’s had been “better” in terms of personal dignity, he wasn’t going to overly question why he was now healed. Not yet, anyway.