Snowglobe Event

Jan 01, 2012 01:08

..."I have been drawn to the wild and desolate places in the world...

Antarctica :
One of his longest lasting bases and strong holds. The cold, clean beauty of it, without mark of mankind, is soothing and centering. This is icy minty water on hot dry day - he doesn't mind others seeing it.

Bermuda Triangle
His island in the Bermuda Triangle. An island raised off the ocean floor, it's hidden. When Magneto isn't there, only animals do - and birds flourish. It's hidden, a secret hidden place, one comes to only by invitation. there are ruins of the previous people, left to be reclaimed by nature, save a tower, in which he lives when he stays there. There is a sense of salt water and warm although unless you have his senses or know about them you wouldn't know why.

ALSO Very Image heavy. India is common travel spot for Israelis, and it has such a range - ice and snow capped mountains, lush tropics, desert. It's wild and beautiful and no matter what his soul is yearning for, some where lies the balm he needs. Shaken, it tastes like curries, and wind, and there is a hum from people but it's so far, so distant, along with a stronger, more compelling beat.

Savage Land
Wonder. Joy. Dazzling, sparking joke, a child's excitement at an unexpected but much loved gift. He will show this everyone. It's hidden inside the mists of the mountains.

Freedom. Complete. Utter. FREEDOM.

...As a boy I saw myself walking where no man had, alone against the elements...

Brazil is hidden, buried deep in his past, a stranger in a new world where he didn't fit, a man on a mission and so terribly wounded. Here the world first saw Magneto as he would be known - the deadly Mutant terrorist. Here was a brutal lesson learned: You aren't one of us, and even if you play by the rules, you're still wrong. He wouldn't wish to talk about it, or why it's so heart-wrenching. Shake it, and it grows warm, like blood with an overwhelming taste/smell of copper and iron.

Asteroid M
There have been several. All hung in low Earth orbit. All doomed. They look onto the Earth like a child forever cast out, forever ignored by the others.

Xavier Grounds
The Xavier Family Grounds. The School. Their own phoenix. There is maybe, maybe, hope here. But not for him.

...The more I came to know people, the more strongly that yearning dream spoke to me...

This section has a general warning for disturbing content - these are the unhappy, brutal, marked-by-death places in his life.

WARNING: It's Auschwitz. Over half the pictures - and it is very image heavy - are from the 40's. There are three with the ovens shown prior to being cleaned out. Almost all come from the memorial website.

This is where Magneto grew to manhood. This is where Max Eisenhardt died, and from the remains, the man who would be Magneto was born. It's brutal and ugly, it's Hell as Magneto sees it, pain and sickness, abuse and death, impotent rage and an utter lack of hope. He'll speak of it. And even though it hurts, he'll show others. He doesn't want anyone to forgot, even if it means his wounds are picked until they bleed anew, so long as no one forgets, so long as no one lets it happen again. It leaves a film in the mouth, gag-worthy, ash and something burning, sickly-sweet and somewhat like pork.

Quote Comicvine:

For most of Genosha's time, it was an island off the African coast. Its capital was Hammer Bay. At a glance, it seemed to be a good, prosperous nation. The standard of living was high and the citizens were well-treated. The economy was excellent and growing all the time. Political or racial turmoil was non-existent. Good things seemed to be happening in little Genosha. But all these things only applied for the humans of this small, inconspicuous, seemingly unimportant island nation.

In Genosha, the mutant population was enslaved. David Moreau, a scientist was known as the Genengineer. Anyone with the mutant gene was forced through a horrific treatment developed by the Genengineer. They were genetically modified and enhanced for their powers, and stripped of free will. They were treated like animals and given numbers, identified by those numbers. Their powers were changed to fit the needs of the economy. Then they were shipped off and worked as slaves until they died. No one was allowed in or out of Genosha. If you are a citizen, you will stay a citizen until you die. If you are not a citizen, then you're not getting in Genosha. The Magistrates were a special police force that tracked down people who tried to escape and brought them back forcibly, and the Press Gang handled mutant problems. All in all, it was a horrible place.

Playing on his reputation, Magneto made his last blackmail attempt on the world threatening to destroy planetary EM field if he was not granted territory to create a mutant homeland. Despite the efforts of the X-Men to stop him, including the ultimate sacrifice of Magneto's clone Joseph, the U.N. granted Magneto Genosha. The island nation had been torn apart by civil war between the Magistrate regime and the Mutate rebellion for months (perhaps years) and the U.N. hoped Magneto would be so bogged down in fighting this war, the Legacy Virus sweeping through the population, and Genosha's failed economy that he would never trouble the world again.

They were wrong. Within six months, Magneto had led the mutants and mutates to victory, and the Legacy Virus was cured. Magneto quickly rebuilt Genosha into a prosperous mutant paradise. Overconfident, Magneto declared war on humanity again. The X-Men snuck into Genosha to intervene and in the course of battle, Magneto's spine was severed by Wolverine. As Magneto's powers are dependent on his nervous system being intact, this not only left him paralyzed but unable to use his powers. This event would end up costing millions of lives.

In revenge for Xavier's mistreatment of her, Cassandra Nova found the last living relative of Bolivar Trask, who had created the Sentinels. She then convinced him to give her control over the Sentinels. She sent them them to Genosha where they began wiping out the population. Depowered, Magneto was unable to stop them. The entire island was reduced to a pile of rubble, and all the progress was lost. 16 million people were killed, leaving perhaps a couple hundred survivors. Nova was eventually defeated by the X-Men back in New York, but the damage was done.

Everything about this is painful, and green, sickly tasting.

Nuremberg, Germany actually. He was born here, two months after the first rally. They fled when he was ten, the night their Shul was burned. Germany is nothing but fear and danger and hatred. Again, he doesn't mind others seeing - history will have her witnesses. Shake it, and there's a flash of gold before it disappears.

The Warsaw Ghetto. The end of Max's childhood, in ways Germany wasn't. Because no where was safe. But there was the chance of escape, and trades to learn, and he could do something. He'd rather people not see, but again. History and witnesses, his will be damned. You can almost hear quiet sobbing, and it stinks, like rot and illness. And gunpowder.

His wife's people's home. Never his. Always an outsider. He doesn't wish to discuss it. It's bare. Unconnected.

Vinnytsia. Death. Despair. Pain. Do. Not. Ask. It shakes away with a bright, blinding flash.

...As though the fierce unyielding emptiness without struck a resonant echo within my heart and soul."

HOME. This is the first place he was accepted. As a man, as a Jew, as a sonderkommando, as a Mutant. It's the first place he ever truly belonged. There's a taste of oranges, and sun, and sand. And a feeling of flying, warm hands. And laughter. Happiness.

siren's pull

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