May 27, 2005 23:39
more bad shit (yaaaaaay)
i was supposed to graduate today. i sat back and saw a class full of people i motha funkin hate move on with their lives. i'm still sitting here. but you know what fuck that shit. i've had experiences they can't begin to even understand. i'm fucking bullet proof, and i refuse to let this bull shit stop me. MY NAME IS NATHAN MALITZ AND I AM GOING PLACES!!!!!!!!! now if you'll excuse me i have to go cry myself to sleep...
this malitz moment of zen is brought to you by muncie! the makers of toothless hookers city wide!
Malitz Out Bitches
PS- on a good note i now own every tupac cd accept for Me Against the World. My Ipod is up to 2378 songs (none of which are stolen)