May 06, 2005 22:37
the last two days have sucked beyond my previous notion of sucking
1. not setting my alarm clock on thursday- let's get ready to haaate our liiiiiiiiiives!!!! (que stadium basket ball music).
what could suck more?
2. little anti semites- all i can say is wow. i was in the cafeteria hoping beyond hope they had something parve to eat for once... when all of a sudden about 5 little elementary kids start yelling shit at me like "jew boy!", "stupid jew!", "i'm a stupid fucking hick who's parents are prolly related... they didn't actually say that, i just kinda assumed..." anywho after the shock of this wore off i just really missed everybody from avodah, nfty, and my israel trip really hardcore. this REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bummed me out. i don't even know why though, because this type of shit happens to me at least once a year since i was in 6th grade. anywho this also sucked because it was on yom hashoa. i swear i feel so trapped in this town some times.
what could make this suck more?
3. BMV Beuracratic Bastards!!!!!- i had to travel to the BMV three fucking times to get my g-d damn permit. i hate bitches who won't take a bill as proof of my home address because it is 70 days old as opposed to 60 days old. that bitch... oh plus i look like a terrorist in my picture because i haven't shaved in forever
how could this suck more?
4. drivers ed sucks balls times forever and ever and ever and ever- wow i'm 18 and my mom is making me take drivers ed. and the class is filled up with stuck up 15 year old girls. wow... this is my life
how could this possibly suck more? how? somebody tell me!!!!
5. no services- so after drivers ed i go straight to work and have to work at an insane pace in order to finish for services. i am excited because we have them every other week. so i walk from work to services. i get there after almost getting hit by a crack head on a bike (the bastard had the gaul to threaten to sue me for almost making him wreck his 20 buck bike. however he just wanted money for crack so of course he prolly tried to hit me... bastard) i get to temple and OF COURSE NO ONE IS THERE. i call zak and he tells me there are no services this week. YAY I WANT TO DIE AT THIS POINT, because of course instead of walking home i walked to temple! then i walked home (double the distance for half of the purpose) and of course who stops me and tries to convert me? who you ask? the fucking Jehova's Witnesses. i wanted to tell them i hate my life but they'd prolly tell me that jesus is the answer (hmmm fuck that shiat biatch).
the last to days on a scale of one to suck have been balls
i'm going to sleep
malitz out