Oct 14, 2004 19:29
Anyway, we're not even gonna go into why I haven't updated this thing of late, so I'll just rewind to this past weekend. Friday night I met Kate up at Red Robin and we had a good time and ate and watched some of the debate and talked, so that was enjoyable, and after that we went to a 10 oclock showing of Friday Night Lights, which was really good, we both enjoyed it, and then we went our separate ways. I got home a little after 12:30 that night, but it was a good night and I had fun. Saturday night was the football game which was awesome. I had to do Maverick Corral for the 1st half, then for the 2nd half I got to sit with Sean, his friend(I can't remember her name for the life of me), Stephani, and Jaquisha. lol her name's Jackie, but she's black so I thought I'd give her a black name and she loves it. Anyway, after that everyone went up to Taco Cabana as usual and we hung there 'till about 12 and then Amanda, Rachel, and like 4 other people I'd just met that night that Amanda knew went up to the field at Madison and we hung out and everything. It was more fun than I'd expected. Sunday I didnt really do anything but at like 7:30 I went to Pat's and we just chilled and played video games and talked. It was an enjoyable time w/o having to go anywhere special and just hang out. Uh, Monday I didn't really do much of anything but go places with my parents and did some homework. Tuesday was OK, but Wednesday we had the PSAT which I know I didn't do well on. I would've done exceptionally well on the literary sections but 25 minutes just wasn't enough time for me to be able to read the things they wanted us to read and answer 24 questions that required a good amount of thought. The math I know I bombed because it was basically all Geometry, but I know that on the real SAT it's primarily Algebra 2, which I'm good at. Eh, who gives a shit about becoming a National Merit Scholar when you've got other good thingd goin'. lol. Anyway, today went well. I got to school at 7:30 so Mr. Laird and I could work on my intro for my speech that I'm gonna use to compete with for Original Oration. That went well and the rest of the day flew by pretty quickly. In math I found out that I'd gotten a 93 on the test we'd taken the time before which was good to hear. Katie forgot her book, and I know I hadn't mentioned this but her and I had had a huge blowup about stuff like 2 and a half weeks ago, and slowly over time we've said friendly words to each other or wuteb, I'm not gonna go into too many details 'cause it's no ones business. But today she forgot her book and she pulled the desk next to me up and we worked together and talked and it was nice to know that we're good and everything's fine between. It's really reassuring. Anyway, I met Chels at the Republican headquarters for San Antonio today and bought myself a Bush/Cheney yard sign, and then we just talked in the parking lot for a couple mins and said bye, but I think we're gonna do something this weekend. It was nice seeing her because I hadn't seen her for more than a month. Anyway, after I got home my mom got home and said we were meeting my dad up at Mama's, and that was OK. I have homework that I really don't wanna do, but I will, and I guess I'll go now. lol. Peace.