Mar 29, 2005 18:43
Mike broke his hand and wrists from punching the punching bag to hard. Hes an idiot. Now he can't work at the job he just got. Which means hes going to have to find a new one. But who cares right i mean he only has 4 kids and a girlfriend to support but yeah no big deal. Marc fell off something at work and cracked 4 ribs gross. My brothers are all idiots. ( but i'm so jealous of my sister ah i hate you and dan so unfair!).
I missed 3 days of school last week. And during those three days i missed 3 quizzes and 2 tests. So i should be studying and doing makeup work. Or packing because i'm going to florida tomorrow..or cleaning my room.
i got a little bit tanner today and jumped in the pool for like 2 seconds it was way to freakin cold though.
i can't wait for school to end we have like 2 months left yyyeesss